Link to the actual report: https://gfw.report/publications/ndss25/en/
Link to the actual report: https://gfw.report/publications/ndss25/en/
They can be found on Mastodon here: @[email protected]
That disregards the massive advancement in technology, hindsight, tooling and theory they can make use of now. There is a world of difference there even with the same hardware. So not comparable imo, it wasn’t for a lack of effort on Nintendo’s part.
I think more like was done all the time for console games. These days that doesn’t happen as much anymore as far as I know. But I think this shows that CUDA is not a good enough abstraction for modern GPUs or the compilers are not as good as expected. There should be no way they got that much optimization out of hand written/optimized code these days.
Why not just use Powershell then? It’s been available for Linux for a long time. I use it for scripting quite often
Well I don’t know what there USP is in world where OneDrive/Google Drive/iCloud exist. And there future plan is a focus on AI, so yeah, goodbye Dropbox is my guess
Unless I’m missing something, the post is plain wrong in some parts. You can’t POST to a Cross-Site API because the browser will send a CORS preflight first before sending the real request. The only way around that are iirc form submits, for that you need csrf protection.
Also the CORS proxy statement is wrong if I don’t misunderstand their point. They don’t break security because they are obviously not the cookie domain. They’re the proxy domain so the browser will never send cookies to it.
Anyways, don’t trust the post or me. Just read https://owasp.org/ for web security advice.
Wasn’t there always a pay-walled subreddit, made by the community? I think you had to have had gold/premium to get invited.
It is literally just Nvidia Encoder. So hardware encoding on Nvidia GPUs. What codes are supported depends on the GPU
As I assume you’re not looking for FOSS-only solutions, you probably want to go with Jetbrains IDEs (IntelliJ). They are arguably the best IDEs around and have native Linux versions.
I assume you are mostly working with C/C++. I don’t have first experience with CLion but haven’t heard anything negative about it.