Try turning off JavaScript when ur faced with an overlaying paywall
i meow at the moon
Try turning off JavaScript when ur faced with an overlaying paywall
Might I add brave’s BAT wallet is garbage. You had to sign up to some random exchange and upload your ID (I didn’t), but even that you couldn’t even backup your wallet into a new install, so hope that you would never have to format or reinstall or change devices - it’ll be a pain to restore, if it was even possible.
Firefox over brave any day.
honestly i don’t know what you did to mess up a windows install like that, but i agree overall that linux is easier. However there are quirks that can arise for a new user that will eat time or seem daunting.
I agree, affinity programs are really good and i’d rather see those on linux
You’re right, why are we allowing the internet be be monopolized like this? it is futile because we’re basically giving up all control and forming a dependence on these few select tech companies.
Same. I know ableton or some native instrument software and unfortunately I’m not even gonna try and make them work with wine because I think it just wouldn’t fully work and glitch.
It is frustrating because I think the new standalone version of push is running some Linux variant?
Ya software and hardware support like drivers has historically been pretty bad and I still rely on non Linux computer for a few programs.
More and more I’m just opting for the Foss alternative if available and suitable.
After viewing a few posts it almost always blocks and asks me to login. For years. I just don’t go on Instagram anymore as a result. Twitter and reddit, take notice
You can at least view threads without logging in? That’s better than instagram usually forces login. Still won’t use it.
For Desktops. Nice. I’d like to see numbers that include servers, steam decks, androids, etc…
Give it more time. As Microsoft cuts support for perfectly good working hardware, people will learn about this magical free and open source software operating system of many varieties they can choose from, and with a little nudge and a beginner friendly variant (linux mint, ubuntu), they too will learn to love linux.
I much rather use mastodon. It’s so much better, despite the volume, but low volume is nice at times. Feels manageable. Being able to stick to local instances but also link to others is great. All around better model compared to centralized stuff.
Also it frees up my time to do other things.
I noticed that when I enabled 2fa. the URL with the auth code didn’t show when I enabled 2fa and clicked save. I had to refresh the settings page to see the 2fa . A bit of a weird bug it seems.
Not entirely sure what else you could do.Might want to contact the instance.
Yeah…that happens, but from my experience it works a lot of times