I haven’t bought an HDD in a long time, but is the drive’s packaging itself not designed for shipping? The last one I bought had a ton of empty space and shock-absorbing packaging inside the box.
I haven’t bought an HDD in a long time, but is the drive’s packaging itself not designed for shipping? The last one I bought had a ton of empty space and shock-absorbing packaging inside the box.
The First Descendant
Most consoles that are already jailbroken won’t even check for Sony updates. But anyone wanting to jailbreak who hasn’t done it yet will have to avoid the update to do so.
They block known exploits to prevent jailbreaking. The Blu-Ray key is just a trap.
The chickenpox vaccine is relatively recent, and chickenpox parties were a good way to inoculate children who get only mild symptoms and very little danger from the disease compared to adults.
Nowadays, vaccines are 100% the best defense.
Measles is so much worse and it has never been a good idea to purposely subject yourself to that.
In the settings panel, the Advanced section has a setting for network interface, with a drop down menu of your available network devices. Your VPN connection should appear as a separate device in the list. If you choose that, it will only send data through that device, so if you’re not connected, it has nowhere to send data to.
The github only has a description of the setting, and doesn’t really explain it any more than that.
Does Transmission let you force the use of a specific connection?
For example, qBittorrent lets you choose your VPN as its only allowed connection so that you can’t accidentally use your regular network when not connected to the VPN.
Basically, yeah.
As the “official state cryptid,” and not as a real, documented species.
Hell, kids today don’t even number their lines anymore. What’s wrong with the world?
It’s the tough black mineral that won’t cop out when there’s heat all about.
Happy, go, lucky
It’s definitely got similar vibes with a lot of weird interactions added to it that they don’t tell you about until you’ve already done the action.
For example, a fire type attacking an air type causes an air wall, which then blocks the next two attacks. But you don’t know that until you’ve already attacked.
A glitter type attacking any other type turns the target into a glitter type, and any element attacking a glitter type turns it into that element. That means that a battle with glitter types causes weaknesses and strengths to vary wildly throughout a battle. And battles in the game are 2V2, so it can get pretty chaotic and confusing.
Some of these buffs or debuffs don’t really make any sense and if you don’t look up interactions ahead of time, you wouldn’t expect them to happen.
I was just repeating what was said in the article.
I mean the microphone is active, so it’s listening, but it’s not recording/saving/processing anything until it hears the trigger phrase.
The truth is they really don’t need to. They track you in so many other ways that actually recording you would be pointless AND risky. While most people don’t quite grasp digital privacy and Google can get away with a lot because of it, they do understand actual eavesdropping and probably wouldn’t stand all their private moments being recorded.
Your phone listens for the phrase “Hey Google” and uses little processing power to do so. If it was listening to everything and processing that information, your battery would die incredibly fast. We’re talking charging your phone multiple times a day even if you weren’t using it for anything else.
As someone else mentioned in another commend, being near Spanish speakers’ phones, Bluetooth/Wifi tracking are what Google is using to track you. They search Google in Spanish, Google can tell you spend time with them, Google thinks you speak Spanish.
From this point on, all arrays are reverse-indexed.
More like malty infuriating
It would not. All work puts out an equal amount of heat for the amount of power drawn. A 1500 Watt electric heater will put out 1500 Watts of heat, and a 1500 Watt computer puts out 1500 Watts of heat, but only if it’s putting in enough computing work.
That computing work might be worth something if you’re lucky, which is where the actual savings are. OP ended up saving much more money from heating less than from earning any crypto.