I read that ghost was federating, I think.
I am definitely a llama.
🤫 🦙 ¯\_ (ツ) _/¯
I read that ghost was federating, I think.
You’re not wrong! That is behavior that should be addressed - much moreso at food-related businesses than like, the hardware store, but is just good-human behavior when you interact with others. (Not everyone does that tho)
And if it is repeatedly happening at one place, it might just be someone working there who isn’t doing the right thing. (Or the soap there is potent and not in a way that you like.) If it seems like it’s happening everywhere, it could be more of a sensitive sniffer thing… Which isn’t really a Big Deal, it just is. Like the reason we are expected to wear less cologne/perfume in some spaces, to account for others’ sensitivity or allergy. As a courtesy
But not everyone sticks to that! (Also why the OP suggested that it means they haven’t done it)
It requires a human to do a thing. It doesn’t happen automatically.
When the first flavors of Pop-Tarts were released in 1964 (strawberry, blueberry, apple currant, and brown sugar cinnamon), the packaging machines were expensive, resulting in hefty up-front costs. So, to be economical about their investments, the company decided to package the product in twos at the start (explained in the book “Better Than Homemade: Amazing Foods that Changed the Way We Eat” by Carolyn Wyman).
“To package them singly would have required twice as many machines. Kellogg’s didn’t want to invest in a lot of machines until they knew how it would sell," said Bill Post, who managed the first plant to produce Pop-Tarts.
Not a new thing at all
That’s fair - I had just thought it must be the new normal, if it had trickled down to our city (city, but not big city).
The whole business of blaring ads at a captive audience is bs, either way!
I don’t live in a big city, by any stretch - but I guess it’s not the sticks, because we have that shit around here. And not just the busiest gas stations, by the highway. I hate it.
Haha - you too! I am also going to have to look into that, just in case 😅
Hell, I could be wrong too :-P I’ve never gone in that direction - only adding a Linux dual boot from USB stick. That sounds kinda scary, and would definitely make it easy.
Well, damn. Thanks for warning me about that possibility - looked like more steps that included BIOS last I checked, but as I said, I’ve never needed the process.
Edit: I should note that I have installed Windows from a USB stick recently, I’ve just never already had another OS installed and then going to Windows. Most of my experience is installing a Linux flavor for dual boot.
I guess I don’t know - I think you’d still have to go into BIOS and switch it to boot from USB? I don’t know about the rest of it, but I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t just start installation. Unless it’s a thumb drive specifically tailored to take over someone’s system?
So yes, you could reinstall Windows, but it would still require a reboot to BIOS to allow for it. Am I missing something? What’s the big “gotcha” that I missed? I genuinely don’t know, and since I am not an expert on installation of OSes, if you could enlighten me, that could be useful for me.
I don’t feel like that’s exclusive to Lenovo, fwiw. I have an Asus laptop, and it went like that for me installing Linux from a USB stick. It was a hassle and you’re right that it seems harder than it needs to be.
I don’t have any idea why it’s like that, but it feels like it’s a better option than someone being able to walk up to my PC/laptop/whatever and change my os just by using a thumb drive without any other hoops to go through. That’s just where I stand on the issue, but you’re right that it sucks for the owner/user.
Yeah, how many random accounts were made just by this most recent incident of spam across the fediverse? If there was a new account made for each of those spam posts? Not even talking about alt or abandoned accounts. These numbers are gonna be off because of that stuff, right?
Hey man. I have no experience with your phone or oxygenos, but I can tell you that’s where I found the widget. Also, I replaced my Google assistant with it, so I can long-press the circle and get the HA Assist. (You can map it to the power button, too, I think)
I’m on a Pixel 6a, so my layout may be different than yours:
Hope someone can help more!
This is what my family (and a few friends) use. We have been using it for a while now because it just works. Also, the kids have never complained about using Conversations, or about using it only for us (like if you have that one family member who won’t leave SMS behind - we’re that guy, I guess), and we can make as many channels as we need for the house, the kids, with each kid individually, for our MTG cards, with our couple of friends that use it, etc…
I don’t personally do the hosting, so I can’t speak to that. That’s the hubby’s thing