So what’s the damage here? I can’t find anything about the targets. Is this why my Xbox is having server issues?
So what’s the damage here? I can’t find anything about the targets. Is this why my Xbox is having server issues?
Oh, he’s just going down a rabbit hole! He’s going on a cute little adventure where he does a fucking Nazi salute in front of the whole country, then proceeds to recklessly dismantle huge parts of the US government, but it’s all just part of his magical little journey! Teehee!
That solves the problem this time, but it doesn’t help if I’m trying to navigate somewhere new.
If it doesn’t have the address for a 30-year-old house in a major metropolitan area, then I just don’t think it’s a viable replacement for Google Maps, unfortunately.
I’m all for swapping apps, but Organic Maps doesn’t even have my home address. And I live in a major metropolitan area.
You got my hopes up. All I want is a keyboard that has swiping and doesn’t ever auto-insert spaces. Unfortunately this ain’t it.
You sure about that?
That’s true.
With a T9 phone, I used to be able to send a complete text message without ever taking my eyes off the road.
Now that I’ve got a touchscreen I’m swerving all over the place every time I try to text. It’s way less safe.
“customers are shopping more with Kroger now than ever because we are fighting inflation and providing great value.”
I call shenanigans. I don’t always pay close attention to the prices of all the things I buy, but one thing I do pay attention on is soda. (Probably because it’s bad for me, so I give myself additional justification to buy it or not.)
And amidst all this “inflation”, and all the talk about lowering prices back down to reasonable levels Kroger’s price just on soda just jumped 25%.
Years ago I used to get a 12-pack for $5, and sometimes there’d be a 3-for-$12 deal. When COVID hit, it was 3-for-$15. Post-COVID, $7 a box. When they raised it to $8, I stopped buying it unless it’s on sale or if my wife specifically requests it, and then I only buy one.
Then I went to Kroger a few weeks ago, and the only way to get a price under $8/box was to sign up for something on their app and sell them my personal information. So I decided not to buy from Kroger anymore.
This week my wife specifically requested a box, I was in Kroger anyway, and now it’s $10/box or 3-for-$8. Fuck that. They hit their limit with me, and there are no circumstances in which I’m paying that much for soda.
I believe you mean “lambasting”.