how are you only getting 1% battery drain overnight? my pixel 7 w grapheneos drains 10% overnight and battery saver makes it worse somehow
I would like to know your secrets
how are you only getting 1% battery drain overnight? my pixel 7 w grapheneos drains 10% overnight and battery saver makes it worse somehow
I would like to know your secrets
yes, using spectacle I imagine
I use different software, apparently that matters
that’s because that’s what happened. Simple mobile tools got bought out by a company known for exactly that: putting ads and spyware in apps
thankfully since its open source, there’s already a fork in the works called Fossify
I will be forced to, but x11 is no longer being developed, so its not very secure to do so
additionally, Wayland is going to be default on kde, and Im not sure if that means that it’ll be default for me too if I update
not to mention that with it default on KDE, I’ll be running into more and more bugs that just, will not be fixed, because “use Wayland” will be the new response to bug reports (GNOME actively does this with a critical GTK4/libadwaita bug)
the point is, Wayland is being rushed and was never ready for default
It has begun
(ps install the fork versions of the simple mobile tools suite, its called fossify)
still frustrating as all hell, these programs just worked on x11
also Synergy/Barrier/etc dont work yet and would need “non standard” protocols. Pretty critical for me
I am an enduser and I just expect things to work, but one of the most critical things of my setup wont
sighh, that sucks
does this go for pretty much all programs, like say an email client too? or is there a limit to this?
wait so you’re telling me I’m gonna be forced to use spectacle on wayland if I use KDE?
I’m told screenshots now work on wayland. The idea was that spectacle would not have worked on wayland because of how locked down it is
that’s something
I’ve heard that synergy/barrier/etc doesn’t work though and that is critical for my daily workflow so I won’t be switching until it is supported
Every time I learn more about what Wayland can’t do, I learn of even more critical stuff that doesn’t work
no screenshots? really? who approved this trashfire as default. That’s about as ridiculous as no global hotkeys
exactly this, I’ll use it when it works with no questions asked. I.e: when it becomes invisible to me as an enduser
as for now, it isn’t, far from it
fucking what synergy doesn’t work on Wayland? welp. I use that daily and no, that’s not optional, its rather critical for my setup
I’m not a she but otherwise yes I agree
for the end user, that is irrelevant
all of these arguments are great and all but as an enduser: I just want things to work
I don’t care about the why’s or hows. A lot of these arguments explain and justify breakage
I am an enduser. I expect things to work, specifically I expect the programs I already use to continue working. I expect to lose no functionality
If they don’t work, then clearly its broken. If I lose functionality, Wayland clearly wasn’t ready
a big collection of art courses that I downloaded before it got dmca’d off the internet. Nowadays as I understand it, the collection is around but usually distributed in pieces on request if someone happens to have it. Many courses got lost (or are only on cgpeers which I do not have access to so idk)
[narrator voice: it wasn’t “just as easy as” nor did “everything work great”]