I decided to do the subscription today so you should see at least one referral coming your way. Thanks, again, for the suggestion!
Moving from lemmy.world.
I decided to do the subscription today so you should see at least one referral coming your way. Thanks, again, for the suggestion!
I will do that, thanks for the recommendation! I definitely need to get that knowledge/workflow down before I make my main driver a Linux machine.
I really need to learn how to do that. I installed SuSE something on my laptop and selected that file system but couldn’t find how to do the snapshot stuff. I’m sure I’m just dumb, but also exhausted, and mentally drained.
Do you have a friend code we could put in if we do sign up for libro.fm? I don’t mind getting people free stuff for recommending awesome products!
Thank you for this! I made an account and may get the membership!
How the fuck do I explain this boner, now?
They’re just gonna sit around and wait a few months until they are begged to come back and can demand more compensation. The current generative AI, which is not general AI, will not be able to replace high functioning jobs. Eventually, a lot of those software engineers will be asked back and get much more for their services.
Using Lemmy requires some modicum of understanding in technology. Most conservatives I’ve encountered tend to be technology-ignorant at best, and technophobic at worst. You don’t see as many differing political views on Lemmy cause some/most conservatives are too inept at technology or can’t be bothered to figure it out.
Reddit was just easier to get into, and as much as I personally like Lemmy, it’s a hard sell to some from the outset. If the signup could be simplified (which I understand federation and why it can’t be that easy), we could see an influx of more outdated viewpoints on the platform.
I also agree with others who have stated that most “conservative” philosophy involves denying rights to those who have only recently (last 50 years or so) been afforded rights equal to their own. I’m also growing increasingly suspicious of how much lead was actually used in the products consumed by boomers and some Gen-x before its use was known and most of it banned or removed from products. It seems too many in their late 40+ are going from normal human being with empathy towards others to RAGING MAGA CONSPIRACIST, seemingly overnight.
I know I am. I’m so sick of this system they’ve created and perpetuated for decades/centuries. I just want to live my fucking life without worrying about basic needs, or how someone with most can take even more from those who have little. Americans have more guns per capita than almost anywhere else. Those are guns in the hands of the people, not mercs or armies or private security. They should be afraid of us. They should be checking their car’s undercarriage daily before getting in. They should vary their routes daily to avoid patterns. They should see every person on the street as a potential assassin. Only THEN, will anything about these parasites’ attitudes change.
Unfortunately, so many with the skills to engage in revolution are aligned with the interests of these corporate leeches, and thus are fighting the masses, instead of standing with them. They wanted a Civil War #2, it’s time to kick up, not down!
But what if my army gets sad without me? What if I bring just some army? Ya know, in a travel carrier.
Yeah you might be on vacation when it happens
What the fuck is a vacation?
You’re right, I should not have lumped them in with boomers. That was a last minute and before submission to address the Marjorie’s/Karen’s of the world. Please accept my apologies.
Only boomers and some Gen-x believed it. The rest of us grew up with the Internet and an ever-increasing feeling of betrayal and hopelessness.
Edit: Modified the language around Gen-X per the reply below.
The source code for keyshare.link is out there and it does exactly what you talk about, but using reddit user access. Maybe someone could work within the license to code a similar tool for Lemmy users.
If it’s anything like ChatGPT, it’ll probably try to gaslight itself into thinking something that never existed, exists and can do the exact thing you’re trying to do!
Come back and let us know what you find out, please. If it’s a malicious distro, let us know the site so we can warn others.
hitting them square in the pocketbook.
I’ve been saying this for years to people, but it won’t happen, sadly, if history is anything to go on. The average consumer will always take the easiest path to convenience, even foregoing their leverage as a consumer, if given the choice for a simple monetary resolution.
If the average consumer had the fortitude to resist getting something they wanted now for better pricing/functionality, a lot of these businesses wouldn’t be doing the bullshit they have been doing with price hikes and enshittification. We are simply not a society that can live without these conveniences.
Those that try to “vote with their wallet” (econ 101, baby) know the power the consumer has if principled enough to give up convenience for leverage. Unfortunately, as long as someone can throw money at a problem and call it fixed, it will be difficult to pressure companies to do anything to improve their product. I’d love to be proven wrong.
Hell, maybe one silver lining of the impending tariff disaster is the consumer will be unable to afford it as stuff we need gets too expensive for the stuff we want.
AI is just one facet of a pending eWaste epidemic over the next couple of years as Windows 10 goes EOL and Windows 11 needs TPM to work. Lots of corpos will need to replace their fleet of machines that lack this required component.
Picked up Crime Scene Cleanup yesterday and I’m enjoying it, so far.
Always down for a good recommendation. I picked up Black Pill. To start.