How is log4j related to what they said ? /genuine
le mmy
How is log4j related to what they said ? /genuine
It is an ad.
It’s always “us vs them” huh. I’ll wager you don’t know anything about AI
The windows cavalerie has arrived I see
Where does it say that in the article ? I wholeheartedly believe “”“meta”'" would do that, but I didn’t see it mentionned here.
Did you read the comment
Hamburgers use hamburgers
You can, on firefox at least. No add ons required it’s a browser feature.
Cookies fall short just the same as sessions. you’re asking the user to pinkie promise they won’t clear their cookies / modify them.
An account seems the most logical. You need to avoid duplicates ; it’s not really about privacy here. You’ll only make a tradeoff between accomplishing no duplicates and letting users do what they want.
Cookies are really inappropriate for this use…
I mean, whatever speed java has or doesn’t have, what the other person said was emulate, you’ll have your os then on top of that the JVM then on top of that your python implementation, then finally the python code. If that’s faster than os->python imp…