What in the world are you talking about? This just simply isn’t true
What in the world are you talking about? This just simply isn’t true
I had the same thought. Predicably, someone did ☝️
Sure, it might be convenient, but our society is not structured in a way that allows this to work. We need deep, deep social support or people will suffer greatly
I’m curious, how does it work?
Yeah, totally. As someone who used reddit for 10 years and had comment karma in the several hundreds of thousands, it still pisses me off that it was ruined in the way it was
Thanks for that, but I’m still struggling to understand the link between this blood type and “actors/actresses”
What do you mean by rh- blood types? I don’t understand
If you stopped following sports 8 (fucking 8!) years ago, why the fuck are you here making hopeful comments about Rodgers?
This should absolutely be the top comment. Holy shit, Rodgers is such a fucking moron
Yes, and milk was the singular reason they were able to. Turns out those Got Milk commercials had it right all along
Tomorrow morning just head out your front door, find a school bus, and just get on it
90s laugh track
The future is HERE. If it laughs when you take your cock out then it’s a 1:1 simulation
I am though. The thing is, I have bought their products in the past. At one point I was a customer. This shit makes me a detractor, which is potentially negative sales beyond my own
To be clear, I’m under no delusions that anyone from the company will see this comment, but this is enough for me to never buy their products ever again. So they have verifiably lost at least one customer for life over this.
On the infinitesimal chance someone from the company does see it who has decision-making power from within:
Fuck (capital F) your garish plastic crap with LEDs plastered all over it. Your products were a hard pass before this, and now I’m encouraging others to avoid you
At the time the cloud stuff was first being talked about, I worked a a large tech company (one of the top 10 largest). I remember being told by managers and above how important it was and how we should start thinking about how to integrate it into every facet of our products and workplace. The CEO railed on this as well, tying KPIs to it at all levels of the business. This company makes all kinds products in the realm of hardware and software. Everyone went absolutely apeshit integrating everywhere, including A LOT of places it didn’t belong
I’m honestly shocked. Who could have predicted? 😲
Sure, but you are a sample size of 1. Consider the rest of the world. Reflect on reality dummy.
Yes. It’s in the linked article in fact