Lol. The right only thinks they’re good at meming because you guys huff your own farts. Your memes are cringe and ass.
Lol. The right only thinks they’re good at meming because you guys huff your own farts. Your memes are cringe and ass.
The problem isn’t the tech, it’s the people who are controlling the tech.
The tech is literally made by those by people. The tech itself is in fact the problem. You will never have a version of something like social media that’s actually healthy. One way or the other someone with power will get their hands on it and abuse it.
Good God you people are deep in the sauce. Just straight up ignoring the fact that tech enabled propaganda to be spammed in people’s faces 24/7. It’s so obviously a net drag on society at this point. But don’t dare take away my dopamine rush.
Unless something’s changed in the last few years, the darknet is too difficult for normies to use.
Kind of surprised to see that Brave does much better in this test than Firefox with extensions (on Android)
Nah it’s clearly ideological when you look at the details of their new moderation policies. They now allow you to call people crazy, but only if it’s because they’re LGBT.
They pretend they don’t hate gay people but vote for people and policies that are virulently homophobic. It’s all performative bullshit so they can pretend they’re still good people.
Oh you mean like specifically disallowing people from calling someone crazy unless that person is gay or trans? How the fuck is that “free speech”?
I can post some violent fantasy online and meta won’t allow you to call me crazy for it, but if you call me crazy because you think I’m gay that’s just fine?
Fuck Mark Zuckerberg, evil motherfucker.
I don’t care. The dude is a fucking hero regardless of his views. The media wants to divide us so badly here, lol.
Only 270GB? They must only have a few hundred lines of code.
Nah fuck the entire node ecosystem. It’s proof of how bad people have become at software design. Especially web devs. It’s crazy to me how many devs introduce breaking changes because of their “philosophy” or because the original design was straight up terrible.
lol, literally just making stuff up. Their number of active users dropped by 15-20% since Elmo took over: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2024/mar/26/twitter-usage-in-us-fallen-by-a-fifth-since-elon-musks-takeover
Are you serious? The comment you replied to explicitly says “user departures”. And the article I linked is about active users.
Is this how you respond when you’re proven to be blatantly wrong about something? Totally pathetic.
Number of users doesn’t matter because most people don’t close their accounts. Twitter’s actual usage and traffic is down by 20% since Elmo took over and their revenue is also massively down.
What does that even mean?
Yeah ngl Ubuntu is so much easier to get up and running than other distros. It’s fast and reasonably up to date. I will say I’ve found the LTS version to be disappointingly buggy compared to other long term releases like Debian and Leap, but nothing that would motivate me to move to another distro. Just annoying audio related bugs that are easy to fix or get around.
Leap was so solid I wished I could’ve stayed with it, but I didn’t want to commit to a distro with an uncertain future.
Never buying a Roku product ever again. Their TVs used to be a good deal but I’ll play a premium for something else next time.
Neither of those permissions should be required for an app store. If someone wants to check for updates manually they should be able to do that.
These guys don’t care. They’re a bunch of gangsters trying to profit by dismantling the government and selling corporate replacements for its services.
We’re either headed towards long term fascism or a massive civil backlash.