It’s easy to see why DeSantis would be a better version of Trump. He has more personal integrity and he is less of a blowhard. He actually gets things done instead of just talking big.
Probably doesn’t matter much. If you don’t have a definite fixed opinion on Trump at this point, you are probably comatose and won’t be voting.
Your logic lesson for today:
The genetic fallacy is the act of rejecting or accepting an argument on the basis of its origin rather than its content. Under the genetic fallacy, we judge a claim by paying too much attention to its source or history, even though this criticism is irrelevant to the truth of the claim.
If you understand the genetic fallacy you should realize that calling the originator of the argument a name is insufficient to refute the argument.
This is idiocy. DeSantis has no control over the borrowing and spending of federal funds which is the underlying cause of inflation in the general economy. The reason prices may be increasing more in FLA is that people are moving there in droves from Democratically controlled hellholes like California, New York, Illinois, NJ, etc. because DeSantis has made FLA a better place to live.