I see your point about generating work, but name changes happen - German shepherd dogs becoming “Alsatians” during WW2, Mt. McKinley, a bunch of things in the US. But if it’s going to be changed, let’s not make it what Trump wants. He probably can’t even find it on a map anyway.
Y’know, this wouldn’t be so bad if it were renamed, “Gulf of the Americas” - eg, North America and South America. Added bonus: It’s not what Trump wanted so he’ll be pissed.
There will be no 2028 election.
Separate tickets, dudes.
Damn, I am stealing this. Too many good uses:
“She lives in a hopium den”
“Hopium addict”
“Hopium of the masses”
I don’t know - the arc shot with the zoom (when the three robots were on stage) looked much too smooth, and suspiciously computer-generated.
Their density makes them ring like a bell, if suspended by a wire through the center. Good wind chimes.
Profits security.
Or fire.
I don’t understand why the name of the company is redacted. They chose to send this letter, let 'em own it.
Get your coworkers to join you in using the nearest fast food restaurant whenever you need to use the restroom. When management sees everyone constantly cycling through the front door, they may get a clue.
Willy Whacka, is that you?
Yet another pathetic attempt by Republicans to get people to show them their junk, “So I know how to address you.”
I also need that list, for the next time I need my balls gargled.
This really feels like crossing a line. Whelp, time to tax 'em I guess…
OR, and hear me out, throw nails in neighbor’s face. Offer to drive neighbor to the ED, then say, “Aw, I can’t. I’m blocked in.” Edit: Forgot /s.
I’m firmly convinced that this guy thinks, “If only there were a law against this, I could stop myself”…
Edit: I only care if someone is honest, and good - not who they’re attracted to. But when this sort of thing concerns you so much, you’re definitely obsessed. Why would he be obsessed with gay stuff unless it were deeply personal?
Yeah, Assistant blows much of the time:
“Hey Google. What’s two plus two?”
“Sorry, I don’t understand. But I found something similar. Would you like to know what two plus two is?”
“Yes, dammit!”
“On the website Add A Couple of Numbers for the Hell of It, they say, two plus two is four. Would you like a little more context?”
“Alright. I’m here to help.”
Will there ever come a day when the words “organized crime” do NOT immediately make people think, “Kroger”?
“something, something, extended warranty…”