It’s been edited
It’s been edited
It’s unbearable if I try watching a game alone but if I’m watching and drinking with a friend the board/banner ads and commercials become comical. They could limit the use of distracting colours in the ads if they are going to ice level but apparently not.
The obvious ones like cats, linux, and star trek but also meta-posts like these, comics, non-political memes, greentext, bikes, general technology. There are collapsniks and conservatives have been trying to settle recently. There’s a wide variety of niche content but they are small enough that for every 10 visitors you need someone to post something. There’s a lot here, it’s small compared to extremely large sites but is still an active message board.
Engagement and retention are both important. If the solution to retention is to walk away then the solution to engagement is to not be engaged that doesn’t track to me. Maybe the idea is to avoid phones, the internet and TV entirely which is not an idea that is grounded in reality.
This one is less interesting to me for some reason, I think it’s an easier assumption to make or maybe it’s that the argument about harmful algorithms gained traction over a decade ago.
This is an earlier paper but is a solid primer that touches on it
The researchers positively showed that news and updates on Face-‐ book influence the tenor of the viewing Facebook-‐user’s subsequent posts
Here’s an entire book about it or an article.
Social media addiction has emerged as a problem of global concern, with researchers all over the world conducting studies to evaluate how pervasive the problem is.
Lately when an article or comment interests me I’ve been attempting to dig into it and make sure my beliefs hold water, I like to be skeptical but informed. Here’s some stuff I found and it’s here if you’re feeling open minded or curious.
Canadian Gov on weed and addiction
Contrary to popular belief, people can become addicted to cannabis. Continued, frequent and heavy cannabis use can cause physical dependency and addiction.
Communities of people who struggle to stop using cannabis. Many first hand accounts from long term users:
A podcast with Mathew Hill
Addiction The addictive potential of cannabis is another critical area of discussion. and explore the concept of cannabis use disorder, noting that while cannabis may not be as addictive as substances > like opioids, it can still lead to significant dependence 1. Hill explains that the criteria for cannabis use disorder are similar > to those for alcohol or opioid use disorders, including the potential for life disruption and risky behaviors 2.
There’s no question that people can develop cannabis use disorder. I mean, it’s definitely a thing.
Mathew Hill’s lab is not against cannabis. It’s focus is on understanding THC in the body.
our lab is particularly focused on how it regulates stress responses, affective behaviour, and feeding and metabolism.
They are tweaked to improve engagement, not at all as vanilla as that.
Aren’t they just trying to get into the news and aren’t we supporting those goals by talking about it here?
Genuinely don’t want to block this community but I’m on a 2 strike policy for this stuff. Don’t need it in my life. Don’t care.
30% is insanely low. If I only paid 30% for housing I could retire in my 40s.
I’ve been trying the trial/100 searches a month. Using very sparingly, but I like how it pulls up actual sites instead of ads disguised as websites. Idk if I’d pay $5 or $10USD to use it though. Bit steep.
Millionshort is another one, haven’t used them in a while. The results were meh but nice that you can filter out major websites.
That’s the conversation I was having with my therapist this week. I don’t know. I’ve always massively struggled with this. Thinking about it sends me into a spiral.
As of now the plan is to look for other opportunities in industry. Some training is fine but I would like to avoid loans. I don’t have anything specific yet, but public sector is likely part of it. I’m less motivated to help people as I am to make certain people miserable. Countries have started to track job quality (“job quality”), it’s data worth looking at.
Depending on how that goes I have other thoughts but nothing that is sucking me in. Maybe I’ll give up entirely and become a vagrant. I also have a viable non-expiring business idea that would de-employ a certain group of people I don’t like. I’m not ready for either of those yet.
In the meantime I have a bucket list of things that I’m working through. It helps me feel like my life has forward momentum despite what’s happening with my career (it’s also opening up new doors I didn’t see before, eg acting). Between that and therapy my job feels often feels like something I’ll deal with later.
It just makes me realize how much I hate what I do for a living.
For charging and multi-port hubs C. For single device data ports I prefer A. For low power applications I prefer A. I actually prefer everything about A except all the things it can’t do that C can.
The slim side of a USB-A is always ‘up’. That’s the convention. For monitors ‘up’ is usually the side not facing you.
These facilities are expensive, like 20-30B for the big ones. If you’re curious youtube has some good long videos on how these places work. As far as I’ve checked all the gov grants given to companies as incentives (whether chips or energy or other infrastructure projects) only partially cover the costs of construction.
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As long as people need money other people will try to find opportunities to make it, not everyone has the same moral boundaries.
People have talked about this for a long time it doesn’t seem like there is an idea driven way out. This is the road.
I had one forum I went to and people trolled but they were community members and if it ever got out of hand they were banned. Nowadays people seem much more vicious, the more personal and the more it stings better.
Wiby is great. I think of it as more of a museum, an incomplete collection of antiques. The fediverse is thriving, it has a pulse.
I replaced mine with a usb cable. No batteries.