SQL. The simplest syntax of all languages but can be amazingly powerful if you know what you you’re doing. (And frighteningly dangerous if you don’t).
SQL. The simplest syntax of all languages but can be amazingly powerful if you know what you you’re doing. (And frighteningly dangerous if you don’t).
Try unilem. They have a policy of not defederating from other servers and as long as it’s legal it’s good to go. In other words they treat you like an adult who can decide for yourself what you want to see and read online.
For most people their choice of life partner is the most important career decision they will ever make. 500 bucks could be a smart investment if it improves the odds of hooking up with the right person.
Gmail’s UI is awful unless you are coming from the Outlook webmail client … then it’s freaking amazing.
“In the future, write the scientists in a paper published in the journal Science Robotics, drone swarms like this could be used for disaster relief and ecological surveys.”.
Yeah sure, tell me another one
deleted by creator
Try unilem. They have an explicit policy of not defederating from any instance.
This is not unique to Teslas. Any car with electric door and window locks can trap you inside if the power fails. Normally this is just inconvenient but if that vehicle is on fire or submerged it can be life threatening.
LPT always make sure you know where the manual door release is located. Also if your car drives into water immediately roll down the windowa before the power fails.
He didn’t “pass”. He died. What is with the current refusal of so many to use a perfectly serviceable word?
There’s another difference between humans and computers you forgot to mention. Once a computer 'learns" something, (like avoiding driving into wet concrete), it will never make that mistake again. Prople on the other hand continue making the same error over and over.
You are using an argument that is not new … pilots have used it for decades (and some still do) to complain about automation on the flight deck. Yet every day tens of thousands of airliners fly to their destination (and sometimes land there as well) with no pilot intervention. Pilots could easily be eliminated from airplanes … the reason they are still flying has more to do with PR and a public not willing to fly without a human up front. But automation has made air travel safer by an order of magnitude. It will do the same for cars.
Also once an AI car is taught it will never do this again . Human drivers will keep on doing this.
Our company is like that, but you’re not going to get a call every night. Each person in our (small) support group does a rotation of standby one week every two months. During that week you need to be available after hours and have your cell phone on. The upside is that we get time off for working after hours and we get extra days off just for being on standby which more than compensates, plus we get good overtime pay.
You would think that Verizon had learned something from their purchase of AOL (2015) and Yahoo (2017) and subsequent 5B write-down but apparently not.
No illegal content so definitely no CP. I believe that hate speech is banned of it meets the threshold of incitement to violence.
High on my list of important attributes is an instance that specifically does not defederate from others. If I see something I don’t want to see anymore I just block it myself. But I’d rather be treated like an adult capable of making my own decisions about what to see and read. If you’re also looking for this I suggest unilem.
Here is a recent paper that showed an 18% decline in productivity when workers moved remotely.
Another study, originally published during the pandemic, initially found an 8% increase in the number of calls handled per hour by employees of an online retailer when they began working from home. The original study is here.
Apparently new analysis of the data has shown a 4% decline instead of an 8% improvement. I can’t find the revised analysis but this was quoted in Bloomberg and the Economist … both behind pay walls unfortunately.
Recent analysis of data suggests that productivity suffers when employees work remotely, and the effect is more dramatic the longer people remain away. This contradicts earlier studies conducted during the pandemic.
I’m not saying I agree… just that this is the reason.
Honestly even of he was a great guy it’s still a bad idea to have an incredibly important military asset in the hands of a private corporation.
Next thing people will be pronouncing SQL as “sequel” and then where will we be?
You can’t control how or even if you will arrive at old age but you can swing the odds dramatically in your favor by the choices you make when you are younger. Eat healthily, avoid hard drugs and tobacco, drink alcohol only in moderation and get plenty of excercise that consists of four categories: resistance (aerobic), VO2 max (anaerobic), strength and stability.