Swastik is a sacred symbol for Hindus and Buddhists. Next you will call us -ists and -phobes.
Swastik is a sacred symbol for Hindus and Buddhists. Next you will call us -ists and -phobes.
Getting downvoted for being based. Lemmy is for lemmings it seems. I give up on this platform.
NB: setup a NAS with either nfs or smb/cifs or fish/sshfs for your home folder.
That way wherever or whatever distro you boot on your home network you can mount your home folder and relogin with all your data and configs in place. Replicate if you want local copies with rsync to avoid duplication and drift.
Combine harvesters are used to till, plow , sow seed , spray, water, reap and manage farms and most livestock have dedicated automated farming tools like cow milkers, feeders, shearers, etc. How long before no humans needed to hunt or forage or farm? When food is even cheaper to produce( of course the ai overlords and ai royalty ) but will hunger games everyone to get the artificially shortage and scarcity farm for vast amounts of resources to select groups.
There is a term but I forget but its something like ai-slop or ai collective hallucinations. If you feed enough ai-gen output back as ai input it becomes some insane garbage.
Ai-herder or Robot-farmer or Llama-raiser etc etc
devs still needed to ensure code is sane and not some insane hallucination.
kDE Neon project might work ymmv.
Insurance pays out until outcome and not treatment. Meaning of they don’t cure you, insurance will have to cover until you die.
And if they kill you while trying to cure you, every care provider in the chain pays 10-times the cost (total insurance paid by patient over all the years) based on liability to the family else insurance pays 20-times total insurance cost to family.
MMB is for quick-copy-paste and close-tab !!!
Cool! I might give that a try instead of the Ventoy i use regularly. Thanks for the info !
I use Ventoy regularly but im too lazy to setup Grub2 on a USB and load up isos.
Not sure who these Ventoy fanbois or bros are.
Yup Ventoy does hide binary blobs and has some dodgy devs and code. Use at own risk.
Also I dont have any sensitive stuff. So mostly Ventoy is used to install playground server isos and stuff. Not much use for it otherwise.
It is the same/similar problem that Nokia/Maemo and Sailfish/merOS have all had.
Some things are binary-blobs + NDAs and many things are still locked, the OSS community can only do so much before they hit the commercial roadblocks.
We need a complete CoreBoot + OSS silicon-chips + OSS firmware + all-community / all-commercial dual production lines.
The open-source-based company should be able to sell both the commercial locked-version and the oss-all-unlocked-version with the ability to switch infinitely between the two models.
But the world of electronics rarely will ever work or reach that level of interoperability , repairability or recycling this way. Not for a long time maybe in some distant future.
So, since this is related to your course and a required part of assignments, get things in writing,
Let the Dorm and ISP know that you need an exception due to coursework.
It might be in your best interest to temporarily invest in your own internet,I think 5G might have low enough latency to manage the connection.
If all this is for one semester until you move back ? Just get a cheap mini-PC install pfSense or any other firewall/router software to isolate all your devices and Wifi router from the rest of the network. I believe some people have mentioned MAC-spoofing and TTL-reset as ways to bypass detection. And if anyone asks, you can show your written communications and your course requirements.
Always be on the safe side when it comes to dealing with academics and private orgs.
There might be a Dept Counselor or Rep you can discuss about your requirements. Even professors can help with some of these kind of things.
University is your life choice. If your life hobbies are impacting your choice to attend your chosen university, you still are a responsible adult.
Have hobbies, but don’t deny your responsibilities for making your own choices in your own life.
It sucks if the University you chose forced such rules on students and included dorm as part of the tuition expenses. I cant imagine people taking on student debt with such high tuition+boarding. I guess anyone accepting at that local University is forced into this situation.
“schools” ? This is university. Quite surprising to hear that Universities would have a policy “freshmen MUST live on campus”. Must be some kind of extreme private boarding “school”. I feel bad for you if you went to such a Uni.
Yes but dorms are optional. No one attending Uni is forced to live in the dorms. Uni is not a boarding school at least to my knowledge.
Mighty unpopular opinion here.
OP you are there at the Uni to learn to grow and pass the course+exams. If you need to do extracurricular activities, please setup time at home, travel home to do those things.
If home is faraway and you still want to do it, find a reliable off-campus-non-dorm location and do your stuff from there.
Your main objective is to get through Uni without falling behind and managing your time and effort wisely. If you fail Uni because you focused too much on non-essential activities, be a responsible adult and accept the results of your adult decisions.
Edit: I never said that OP shouldn’t do non-Uni activities. Just that time+effort has to be MANAGED between the two. Life isnt fair and life doesnt give two shits if you fuck up. That is what being an adult means.
Edit2: I can see people commenting on Universities imposing mandatory dorm fees. Do you people not choose which university to apply and get accepted? Did you not think…“this uni is very strict, or this uni has a lot of on-campus resources, or this uni has great course-materials, etc etc” … and it would also include “this uni dorm is optional/mandatory and I can live there cheap or live outside expensive or it is bum-ducking nowhere but fields/forests/wilderness” … you did choose that uni to attend and paid up ?
Since the price mentions British Pound Sterling as currency I dont think Verizon would be there. But T-Mobile is probably there in the UK.
I wanna make LO look exactly like MSOFF and troll the hell outta every MSOFF user.
Also I wanna go back to IBM Lotus Symphony look. It was the best interface for me.