• 2 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: May 28th, 2024


  • I’m not an econ major but I’m going to give you my theory anyway.

    We’ve been circling the drain on a major global recession for two years. We’ve been avoiding it through sheer denial.

    Nobody ever mentions it, but tech stocks were the first to take a beating in 2008. The reason is that they’re actually kinda worthless and just a place where billionaires gamble the way trust fund kids do with cryptocurrency. There’s just not really that much collateral in digital property. Unlike land, it’s value can just disappear overnight if people decide it’s uncool.

    When asset managers are about to be called on their bets and have to find money somewhere, the first thing they’ll do is sell tech shares to bail out other investments. Houses will always have some value even if you end up having to manage it yourself, whereas any social network risks going the way of MySpace.

    Twitter being in trouble isn’t just a sign that twitter is in trouble, but that investors need that money for something safer, and if they’re looking for something safer that may mean sheer denial isn’t working anymore.

  • What’s even more annoying is when their refinements end up putting an objectively wrong answer as the authoritative record.

    I found a question where someone new to electronics was how to get more current from a USB power supply.

    The “correct” answer that was posted before the question was closed was that a source can’t limit current and the questioner should learn more about electricity.

    The actual correct answer - and probably what the questioner was looking for - is to short the data lines together because a compliant USB charger will only supply 500mA by default, not it’s stated max current.