Sooooo we built another one
Sooooo we built another one
Why that one though? Just because it’s more ‘official’ as the devs instance?
deleted by creator
In the tradition of USA currency being only for dead presidents - I will gladly allow Trump’s face on any bill if he’s the one to pull the trigger
100% this. Wouldn’t it be something if they weren’t overtly running their companies to replace all of us? If feel like focusing instead on creating great personal assistants that make our lives easier in various ways would get a lot of support from the public.
And don’t get me wrong, these LLMs are great at helping people already but that’s definitely not the obvious end goal of OpenAI or any of the others.
Almost seems like they’re afraid of us or something
Agree and disagree. There is a place for sophisticated management tools but when they stop getting supported or they’re purchase by a company you hate, you’re left scrambling to convert everything.
Best case for me anyway are sophisticated tools that use markdown as the basis of their files like Obsidian. So I know if they disappear I still have all my data in a universal format without any effort on my end.
xx_Pelosi420_xx doesn’t settle for incremental upgrades
Ah I hadn’t thought about that but that’s a good point
The store in my neighborhood thought it wise to lock up the fancy Italian coffee beans. I’m absolutely sure it will not stem theft and will absolutely decrease sales. The bags are big - these are the 1kg bags - so I’m fairly sure most of the theft that is happening is internal anyway.
This is my concern too. Sure, I’m not a huge fan of the idea of myself dying someday, old and decrepit. But there are a ton of people out there about whom it gives me some relief to remember that they too will die. And most of them are the kind of people who whold have first access to anti-aging treatments.
Yeah I can, add a hinge and swivel so it can go widescreen too
Yeah I try not to be an ass about being wrong
Ah well glad to learn something
Huh, I stand corrected!
Absolutely agreed. I’d love to say that I left Facebook and then Twitter for heroic reasons but both of them pushed me out when there was no longer a way to just get the reverse chronological. Facebook when the algos took over and then Twitter when they started forcing people to pay for Tweetdeck.
Yeah an algorithm is a series of mathematic instructions so from my armchair I’d say sort by date is not an algorithm. But to complicate things further there seems to be a sticking point with some that social media uses heuristics and not algorithms. I don’t really understand the difference nor do I really care as this is all too much about semantics - /u/grue’s final point is still spot on IMO. Why mess with letting a billionaire toy with the minds of your citizens? Let the USA have twitter and all that chaos to themselves.
I’m sure Canada would love that influx of crazy
But I just want to sing