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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2024


  • Waterfall only works if the programmer knows what the client needs. Usually it goes like:

    • Client has a need
    • Client describes what they think they need to a salesperson
    • Salesperson describes to the product manager what an amazing deal they just made
    • Product manager panics and tries to quickly specify the product they think sales just sold
    • Developers write the program they think product manager is describing
    • The program doesn’t think. It just does whatever buggy mess the programmer just wrote
    • The client is disappointed, because the program doesn’t solve their needs

  • They’re overlapping concepts, and can be used interchangeably. Sometimes a library can be all of them at the same time. In simple terms:

    • API is the interface to the library.
    • Library is code that is shared.
    • Package is how it’s distributed.
    • Framework is the methodology the library is used.

    Not all APIs are libraries. For example, all websites have some interface to interact with them. A website is not a library.

    Not all libraries are packages. A library don’t need to be distributed through a package manager.

    Framework is a bit blurry where the line is drawn. I think if the library is used in such way that your entire program revolves around it, then it’s a framework. If you’re just using it a handful of times, then it’s not a framework.

    React and Angular are frameworks in this regard. If you use them, then your entire programming is revolving around them. Any decision made is in regard to these frameworks.

    I would say OpenGL is API, library and framework. Maybe also package depending on how it’s distributed.

  • This is my thought, but I think many young men are (rightfully) frustrated, but they don’t know what they’re frustrated about. It’s hard to get a job - especially without higher education. It’s hard to buy a home and build a family. Many young men are increasingly more alone.

    At the same time, there’s a lot of talk about the ” white male privilege”. ”What privilege?”, they might think. They don’t feel particularly privileged about their situation.

    And then they find people like Jordan Peterson who seem to speak for their struggles. For first time they hear someone seem to understand them. And they point to the (very wrong) diagnosis of the situation: it’s the woke identity politics fault! But that’s good enough for them, and that’s where the alt-right pipeline starts.

  • It happens when there’s no meaningful competition, and when the friction of switching to a competing product is too high. Companies want to make more money with less. If you can get away with doing less without losing a significant amount of customers, then you will do it.

    For example, the problem with switching social media is that you have to rebuild all your connections. They can make it worse, because customers aren’t willing to switch.

    Another example is Windows. If you’re dependent on a program that only works on Windows it’s hard to make to jump to Linux.