The OP doesn’t say that they have a trademark. For me it sound as they don’t have one. Only a registered domain and the name of the software on github. The letter came on the grounds of the oponnents trademark.
The OP doesn’t say that they have a trademark. For me it sound as they don’t have one. Only a registered domain and the name of the software on github. The letter came on the grounds of the oponnents trademark.
You are just assuming, that MS actually knows and cares for what users want. In my experience its the other way round. MS will introduce a change/new behavior and user have to adjust their own behavior, because most are not willing to switch to a competitor program.
I remember very well how much my father sweared at the computer because MS changed the UI to the ribbon bar. It wasn’t at all what he wanted and MS didn’t care to ask users beforehand.
Though having cash is not enough. The stores also need to be able to accept cash without internet usage. I think we had a case in germany a few years ago, where some supermarkets could not sell anything, because the servers, to which the local payment system connected (also uses for cash) didn’t work. Not sure, if that was because of a security incident.
An interesting customer base might be small communal organisations. At our local scouts troop I had a discussion with a friend, who is also in IT. His idea (not fleshed out) was to provide small local organizations with a stack of already configured open source software to support the typical needs of such organizations (like a wordpress website, a nextcloud for file storage and common calender, limesurvey for surveys and event registration, mailman3 for mailing lists,…). Depending on the needs you could sell the initial setup process (your personal work in setting up and skill transfer) or ongoing support. Though such organizations normally don’t have much money to give away. So probably its not really worth your time financially (though probably really appreciated in the community).
I cannot find callibreoffice. Where can I get it to try? Or do you mean Collabora?
I really need a libreoffice calc on my android phone. Not just opening (where currently only Microsoft Excel on Android works for me) but also editing and saving to my connected nextcloud (where I have also problems with Excel)
Yeah, sure, delusional. Until you call a local polititian “so 1 dick” on some online platform, leading to you and also your ex grilfriend getting raided by the police, all electronic devices taken by them as evidence for an undetermined time and the low key threats from the prosecutor about what would happen next. Or until a journalist dares to link to a website, that the state recently criminalized the creators of, though the state itself links to that specific site, too. And depending on how easy the access for the police is: You might wanna refrain from being too popular (like a famous singer or actor) or from being active against climate change or right wing extremism. Your personal data is easily leaked through the police to anyone of their friends.
You might think, that this is overly specific and won’t really happen? Well, it already did. In germany. Sure, most people won’t have the states crosshair on their forehead. But nontheless you might easily be one of the exceptions.
What is currently the state of things for nuclear waste in the US? In germany they still search for a place for storing it long term. Gets in the news now and then. Did the US have more success with finding a good site? Or is this again just companies betting to hand over the waste to the public when they are done? As I remember in germany the companies got a cheap buy out for the waste after the closure of nuclear power plants where setup.
That is an important part of the plot in the german book Qualityland. Really hilarious
Holy shit, didn’t know there is an actual Nerv created by an organisation named Gehirn. I mean, good what they are doing, just hope, that Gehirn doesn’t get around to do the instrumentality project. Otherwise we will get problems with angels
Every evening in bed I hear audiobooks for a bit. Simple wired in-ears are good for laying on your side (only one side in) while they won’t be lost that easily as wireless ear buds. Also they never need to be recharged
It was a friend who helped me install ubuntu 8 on my PC in dualboot when I was like 14/15 years old. Was already a computer nerd, though my friend was way more into everything Linux related. I got hooked there, though at that time it was a real pain in the ass to use wifi in ubuntu. I wouldn’t call me obsessed, but I really don’t like using Windows. I have to for work and I despise it.
Thanks for your answer!
Actually I already have the entries in a proper JSON format. I build my django API endpoints to get a batch of entries with all their details, including URLs for the actual media. Only the visualization is not how I would like it to be. I already have a visualization, that is list-like and looks good, but is not suitable for the mass of entries the endproduct will have to hold. Thus a zoomable timeline.
I know about TImelineJS’s events, but that didn’t really help me. One of the problems I encountered was with stacking or not stacking the elements, when zooming out. Maybe I need to dig more in CSS to dynamically size each entry based on … what exactly? Zoom position? Collision with other entries? Somehow calculated density of entries? You see, I’m very much confused and overwhelmed. I don’t want to invest much time in a direction, that will not lead to the right place.
I will have a look at the tutorial and vueuse. Previously I followed a 4h tutorial on youtube, which was about vue and django in conjunction. Maybe after that tutorial I understand, how I might build the timeline myself.
EDIT: Ok, I did go through the tutorial now. Almost all concepts where not new to me, but I definitely learned a bit about reactivity (used it unknowning of the concept through the data function of a component). Though I still don’t know how I would start building a Timeline. I can create and use components in Vue (already using that in my app), but I have problems handling the low level visual part, which is not just some HTML objects nested, like my list of entries.
Isn’t your shell showing autocomplete options on oressing tab? Like the subdirectories? That way you don’t need multiple cd and ls calls
No, I’m german, so similar levels of consumer protection. Not that I’ve looked for a refund. I just never thought of it as possible. Maybe I should look into it the next time
Wait, since when do they give a “refund” for content that is no longer available? A while ago I bought the first season of Fringe (knowing that I don’t actually own it), but I got nothing, when it was pulled. Do I need to ask explicitly for that gift card?
One big problem that I see with the current system is, that - like everything in capitalism - it works with the attention economy. Big projects with many functions (like computing platforms) get much attention, especially from companies, who donate and contribute for their own good. But there are many small projects, often small libraries, that are developed by single persons for free, but used everywhere. If I remember correctly the disaster with log4j was such a case. Real developers surely know even better examples. The funding of such widely used software can effect the security of our whole IT stack.
The average user only uses what is already in their devices or very easily obtained and already known by them. On PCs you got Windows and Microsoft of course pushes their products (Edge, MS Office, OneDrive,…). On Smartphones you have Apple and Google controlling the devices way more than with PCs and being Gatekeepers through their appstores and preinstalled apps. Why would the average user try to research to find FOSS alternatives in that big pile of proprietary and monetized apps or jump through hoops to actually use them (keeping things FOSS is not easy on smartphone due to policies from google and apple)? The big players are controlling the market and they try to only allow FOSS when it benefits them.
Don’t see the first point. The vast majority of protests are happening near the places where the people live. All the protests I have been too were not at the place of our government. It was our city and the next one. No long travel time and it still works.
The rest is true though. Germany is on the best way to revive the original nazi agenda for example. Probably an AfD coalition on next vote and then the power seize. Fml