Here’s the repo in case anyone is interested in hosting an instance: https://github.com/signalapp/Signal-TLS-Proxy
Here’s the repo in case anyone is interested in hosting an instance: https://github.com/signalapp/Signal-TLS-Proxy
The VBA part of the meme is real, VBA is (was?) localized. Turns out it’s a horrible idea: some keywords are badly translated, some are not translated at all. Googling localized error messages is useless, so you need to guess the original error message from the translation. Want to copy/paste a function from SO? Not so fast, you need to translate the keywords first! And the variable names as well while you’re at it.
Ironically, you end up spending a lot of time on translation-related issues. I’ve worked on a french-VBA app, and it was a miserable experience (well, even more miserable than english VBA).
I think he meant SSN.
Bonus: Elon “fuck yourself in the face” Musk pretending to be shocked.
It’s the amount of data you can download from the usenet network. The data can be anything stored on Usenet servers, but the overwhelming majority of users use it for piracy: movies, tv shows, music, video games, you name it.
I understand why [you] think too many people have died.
Like it’s a fucking matter of opinion… “Some may think there are too many dead babies, but hey, some feel that there are not enough! So really we should meet in the middle and decide on an acceptable number of dead babies which satisfies both parties.”
Hell, if I knew however much money I spent, someone would always foot the bill if I ran out, I too would spend like no tomorrow in order to get more money for free. It’s plain logic.
Why did $manager hire two more people? We don’t need them, half the team has no idea what they’re doing here and are just fucking around all day already.
Yeah but he still has some budget left, and if he doesn’t spend it all next year he’ll get less, and we can’t have that.
The point is also to minimize potential damages caused by a bug in the software. Just this year there have been multiple data-destroying bugs in publicly released software. If the app runs as a server it’s usually trivial to have it run as a dedicated user, with just enough permissions to do its job.
It’s just good practice, even though the risks might be low why risk it at all?
I used Ubuntu at work a couple of years ago. When they announced the switch to snaps I didn’t really care, but when they switched Firefox to the snap version it had quite a few issues like really slow startup, inconsistent theming, and problems with some extensions. So I uninstalled the snap, installed the standard DEB and went on with my work.
But then the issues came back, and it took me some time to figure out they had replaced the actual DEB package with an unholy shim which just installed the snap. THAT really pissed me off, so when I got a new laptop I just installed Arch and my only regret was not doing it sooner.
Yeah but if the EULA is different from one country to another, they’d want me to see the French version and not the US one.
Wouldn’t work for me: I’m French and I live in France, but all my devices are set to en_US.
I know “security experts” from a top French bank who insisted on using telegram instead of signal. So even people who were supposed to stay informed about this stuff fell for the hype and marketing.
I read your comment before the article and I thought you had made the second quote up lol, unbelievable. And people are throwing money at these guys?
OK so this is most likely by design, impressive.
Does the timer “jump” to the correct time after you dismiss the window ? It’s also possible that they didn’t bother testing the app when logged out, and that the popup blocks the UI thread while it’s displayed. In short it could be bad coding and QA instead of intentional enshittification.
Telemetry is not bad in itself. It can be used for bug/crash reports, or usage statistics, without tracking or personal data collection.
Nah, Hibernate, Spring and most major Java frameworks have largely moved away from XML. It’s still supported, but these days it’s mostly configured in the code directly, with properties loaded from yaml, JSON or the environment (for containers).
The JDK ecosystem is in a pretty good spot nowadays. With Spring boot you can whip up a productions ready back-end very fast, or if you prefer a more hands-on approach there are lighter frameworks/libraries quarkus or micronaut.
The Java language itself has evolved fast and is actually pretty nice now, and if you prefer something more modern akin to TS or swift you can just use Kotlin which is almost 100% interoperable with Java.
Since Java 14 it looks like this:
Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NullPointerException:
Cannot invoke “String.toLowerCase()” because the return value of “com.baeldung.java14.npe.HelpfulNullPointerException$PersonalDetails.getEmailAddress()” is null
at com.baeldung.java14.npe.HelpfulNullPointerException.main(HelpfulNullPointerException.java:10)
That’s because he planted a backdoor into GIT, and now he reviews your bad commits every night.
If you’re into metal you should check out rokk-app.com. Kamelot’s drummer is involved, and they claim to pay artists much more than the alternatives. You can also select a particular band which will get a direct share of your subscription.
It just came out last week so it’s rough around the edges for now, but it might be worth checking how it evolves over time.