idk, maybe a soda can of thermite and a sparkler it the right spot. not sure of any details, just something I read, in a book
idk, maybe a soda can of thermite and a sparkler it the right spot. not sure of any details, just something I read, in a book
boards of directors have a fiduciary duty to the shareholders. If they did something they knew wasn’t going to result in the max short term profits they can be found in violation. Just a race to the bottom.
its more mike judge prophecy stuff. So much of whats going on now was covered in that show.
V for vendetta shit
in my workshop I keep safety glasses at each station, and then some more just around. I bought 6 pairs of the same model after trying out 8-10 different styles so they fit and work well also. I still need to force myself sometimes to take 3 steps to put them on.
The people who sit down to put together a solution for our mess will need to plan this way too. They will need to factor in how to make it easy for people. How to get the desired path of the chaotic group to align with the solution.
For an idea, I have been thinking a lot about decentralization like here at lemmy. What if, the government, was social media. What if each post was a proposal, and the up and down votes were actual votes. It could replace all politicians. No more lobbyists paying $5k for policy implementation. They would need to bribe us all, which would just be us getting better quality of life. A system without centralized power.
If it was in the top 3 apps in the mainstream repositories millions would stumble into it on their own.
dont forget the bomb threats called into polling locations and the burning of ballot boxes
maybe, it goes back to the civil war when instead of handling the losers we let them continue to exist. They never stopped trying to get their slaves back. They have never had an alliance with the union.
pretty sure truth social came from the fediverse.
I don’t think this idea I have involves any billionaires with power. It would be pointless. With everything decentralized there would be no mega corps at all. They wouldn’t have politicians to bribe. They would have to make the majority of people happy with them to be allowed. I also consider that in a world designed for quality of life instead of profit we wouldn’t need to have 9-5 jobs to survive. Our production has been growing rapidly for a long time and all of the proceeds have been getting held by ~1000 people who have centralized profits to themselves. With decentralized communism the economy would be like one big co-op. No company owners, the community would have say in how products are sourced and distributed. How people who invest more in the system are rewarded by the system. Couple things to help understand where my head is at. I think we can decentralize and open source services like amazon, home depot, walmart,… We don’t need oligarchy to come together and use economy of scale. We could have a sales platform free for everyone that could source directly from manufacturers. No mark up, not even in the manufacturing. No profit model at all. This factors in that labor needs are going to plummet. Take media, I predict all media will be AI generated and personalized. You could have a never ending show. One that knows how to keep you entertained. You could even be a character in it where your screen is just the view, so now we are in VR, like a gta map. Now the big change, This will all happen in our heads. check this shit out https://synchron.com/ . We are about to have hivemind irl. I only want to discuss posative implications. I am super fucked up over thinking about what capitalism is going to do with direct access to our subconsciousness.
Imagine you had a lemmy instance that every post was a proposal for regulation in your community/region. Anyone can make a post, some will gain traction and support, some will be worthless and fall off quickly. If the proposal gains enough support it then goes to a vote post where people get to make an official vote. Could be to charge $40 for a speeding ticket instead of $50, could be a trade agreement with another region.
I think this method would give people equity in the system. Maybe it could also be scored on a curve depending on how much it effects you as an individual. Maybe having advanced education on a topic means your say has more weight to it than someone without.
I was thinking of ways to move towards this and so far my best idea is to build it and run it in parrelel with what we have now. Get it functioning and trusted and simply try to roll over what we have now. I figure something tragic would need to happen to create a power void for full implementation. Like yellowstone erupting or something. I was also thinking that we need to teach the kids. We need to give them tools to build on so they can take this kind of idea to fruition.
I am just a regular idiot, so feel free to add anything constructive.
We need to open source the whole government. Decentralized communism.
I was thinking about the airport monitor that shows only your flight info because it can detect you and id you. And how many stores now have digital price tags on the shelves they can change remotely. Combine the 2 and you can have custom pricing per individual irl. 2 people standing next to each other in walmart be looking at the same thing and seeing different prices on the same display.
good parent.
walmart rolled this out and call it “dynamic pricing” I have known for half a decade that a VPN can yield me discounts and you get different prices by region for the same product, like an ISP. For the most part it seems simply being unknown provides the desired outcome. I don’t think any part of dynamic or surveillance pricing is designed to ever bring a price down over learning about someone.
For sure.
reduce, reuse, recycle.
That shit is in order of most impactful.
I buy as much as I can second hand. Doing so, I am not bombarded with trash. No boxes, no bags, no plastic wrap.
We should 100% just not be producing all this trash. Coffee at home has zero waste, no plastic cup, no receipt, no carrier, no lid,… do that shit everyday x millions of people. smh
Thank you for further context. I would love to see this spread. Privacy in the US is like smoking in the 50’s, we all know, but no one cares because the cancer hasn’t metastasized yet.
Oh, I like this idea. 7 seas PAC, endorsed by anonymous,
“We want you to download cars!!!” as a slogan
Just like the pager attack, or in silicon valley with the hooli phones. I figure musk could turn these things into self placing IEDs he can trigger remotely with a software patch. Maybe some discharge parameter change or something.