Same. Until you notice the column of curly braces and semi colons in the right margin.
Just this guy, you know?
Same. Until you notice the column of curly braces and semi colons in the right margin.
That’s about the energy output per volume of a 70 year old cyclist.
Cementing semetic semantics
Don’t worry, it’ll be gone by easter.
Give it 6 months and Amazon will be running this model for you “serverless” with a code name making it seem like their own product.
for the foreseeable future.
Or 4 years, whichever comes first.
Screen grabs are not proof. I’m on mobile ATM or I could screen grab you admitting to lusting after Elon’s buttocks.
True. But most European countries have parliamentary democracies with more or less proportional representation. Then the details vary wildly.
(Although the UK has FPTP single candidate constituencies so they’re nearly as bad)
Watch some English people going at each other? Probably. Buy popcorn shares.
You don’t. But all your new devices from now on will have USB C charging.
I’m not saying there isn’t a problem here. But we need to be a bit more precise in the language.
People keep conflating health care providers with the insurance companies which are in the health care denial business. These are not at all the same.
I believe that Margo Robbie identifies as esteemed Academy Award nominated character actress/esteemed Academy Award nominated character actresses.
“Algorithmic timeline” might be appropriately specific?
No. That’s an increase of 129% to 229% of the original price.
You are right that you always use the original price as the base, but if it were still $7 that would be a 0% increase, not 100% as by your math.
There you go conflating Jews and Israel. Apart from that you have an arguable point.
That’s not exactly what happened. Starlink was already disabled in Crimea when the attack was launched and Musk refused to enable it specifically for the attack. Then the initial reports got a bit tangled up.
But yes, none of this should be up to Musk.
That’s just not true. Go to https://ev-database.org/ and compare the dry weight of the different models. You don’t add 66kg going from standard to long range in software.
The EU has declared Twitter and a few others to be gate-keepers and they will now be held to a higher standard. But I don’t think the EU is going to use this power to save US democracy.
and hopefully it stays that way.