100% un-nesting that if would have been fine.
100% un-nesting that if would have been fine.
I’ve been using c# since .net 2 which came out around the turn of the century (lol)
I’d happily call myself an expert. I can do anything I need to and easily dive into the standard library source code or even IL when needed.
But even then there are topics I could easily learn more on particularly the very performance focused struct features and intrinsics.
I’ve found LLMs to be super useful when you have a very specific question about a feature. I use bing ai at work so it sources all its answers and you can dive into the articles for more detail.
Programming is a never ending learning journey and you just have to keep going. When you get something you don’t fully understand to a deep dive there are always resources for everything.
I mean it literally is. People post it there voluntarily knowing that. It’s what keeps the lights on.
You’ve linked to the save page and it’s failing. The link works if you remove /save/ from it
But that’s more key presses than just using existing keys
Don’t really get your point here.
They virtualize the file because it’s big. They know the size.
It does indeed scale with the size of the file. That’s exactly the problem.
No it relies on the c# project files. It looks for all projectreference tags in the projects file and recursively grabs all of them and turns them into filters.
You have a list of filters like “src/libs/whatever/*” if there is a change the pipeline runs.
I wrote a tool that automatically updates these based on recursive project references (c#)
So if any project referenced by the service (or recursively referenced by dependencies) changes the service is rebuilt.
If pretty much gets compiled to a goto statement. Well more a jumpif but same principle
A certain world event being a 3rd party piece of software having a bad update.
We use a mono repo for a new cloud based solution. So far it’s been really great.
The shared projects are all in one place so we don’t have to kick things out to a package manager just to pull them back in.
We use filters in azure pipelines so things only get built if they or dependent projects get changed.
It makes big changes that span multiple projects effortless to implement.
Also running a local deployment is as easy as hitting run in the ide.
So far no problems at all.
You can improve it hugely. These things are very young.
There was a paper recently about removing the need for matrix multiplication from them which is a hugely expensive operation.
Dedicated hardware is also at a very early stage.
Letting your employees work on what they like doesn’t seem like the worst thing. It might hurt game profits but seems much nicer for the workers.
Twitter runs a single web application.
They also do make games.
It’s a fork of existing software so I seriously doubt it
Tabs would make so much more sense. 1 character per indent.
Might be easier to use a capture card or similar to just record your pc.
They should detect if you’re in the EU and auto report the sites haha
I donated my DNA to a research project. I have Crohn’s disease and type 1 diabetes. I’m likely autoimmune prone.
I get updates about what it’s used for. Usually trying to identify causes for autoimmune diseases. It feels good to help out the people fighting disease.
Wow they’ve mimicked human hiring managers so well!