Always bet on Trump saying something incredibly stupid.
Always bet on Trump saying something incredibly stupid.
An old ford truck may not be such a bad investment as we transition into an apocalyptic hellscape society.
They’re selective about who’s protected by that rule too. I got banned for saying shit about child molesters while there was simultaneously a thread on the front page with people saying the same shit about a business executive. Those comments were still up weeks after I appealed my ban asking what the difference was. Never got an answer.
They’re called maps. I have several in my glove box.
Yea, this one is actually a Logitch 602 I’ve had for years, and it’s my 3rd one after two warranty replacements so the build quality has always been questionable but I love the button layout on this mouse and the software is usually pretty good at doing what I want so I’m dreading having to replace it. There was apparently another similar one that came out a couple years ago but they don’t make them anymore and from what I was reading the quality was garbage too. I still have the one from the second time I replaced it through the warranty so I’m going to replace the problematic switches on it and see how that goes.
Anytime I have to replace a device I find it incredibly frustrating. It certainly seems like technology is regressing. I’ve had the same phone since 2016 because nothing I’ve looked at has enough of it has to replace it and doesn’t offer anything better to make up for those deficiencies. My mouse recently developed an issue that had me looking at potential replacements and again almost nothing currently available matches it or was even close. I found two that were potentially not a downgrade and one of those had awful reviews. Instead I’m just buying the part to fix it and hopefully I’ll be able to keep limping it along for the foreseeable future. Same goes for my car. Nothing new that I’ve seen appeals to me. They’re all loaded down with infotainment bullshit that’s just a pain in the ass to deal with. Those were just 3 off the top of my head. At least with software you can usually find something open source that does what you want, but if it has to be manufactured by someone else you can forget about it.
If they’re going to make only bog phones they could at least bring back all the hardware features they’ve removed over the years.
Trump will ruin it with an executive order.
My experience with stinky coworkers was always telling there boss “hey can you talk to so-and-so? He smells like rancid asshole”. Those conversations never took place and I couldn’t stand to be around the stinky individual to help them learn to do their job so they’d inevitably end up failing and getting fired for performance. I guess the problem solved itself but they got a good few months out of the job before that happened.
Does axe still have those slutty commercials? Show him a bunch of those. Until he’s convinced women will find him irresistible for wearing it. Sure it’s not ideal but it’s better than smelling like BO.
As someone who can’t code (not a developer) but occasionally needs to dip my toes in it. I’ve learned quite a bit from using chatgpt and then picking apart whatever it shat out to figure out why it’s not working. It’s still better than me starting from scratch on whatever it is I’m working on because usually I don’t even know where to begin.
Less this. More beating the shit out of their opponents with canes like the old days.
That sucks. I’ve never used winrar but I am actually in need of a bag upgrade so I was going to look at it.
Big fan of Keeppass + syncing program of choice. It has served me well for years. If you don’t like nextcloud pick a different syncing app.
He looked over the shoulder of one of the script kiddies he hired and saw 2 lines with the same SSN, freaked out, remembered some database words he picked up somewhere and hopped on twitter.
Because I’ve seen what people do with their vehicles. I bought my car new 13 years ago and I’ve been able to make sure it’s been properly maintained the entire time and no one else’s crud is all over the interior. I intend to keep it until it falls apart. Prior to that I had a truck I bought used and got maybe 5 years out of it before the transmission died with only medium mileage. I had maintained it but who knows what the person before me did with it.
That said if nothing changes with all this touchscreen infotainment shit I don’t know what I’ll do. I’ve hated every new vehicle I’ve been in the last few years.
I agree with you in principle but in practice way too many sites are doing ads in bullshit ways. If they were just along a sidebar or at the top/bottom of the page I’d have no issue but usually they affect the actual usability of the site and I’m not dealing with that. If they want to expose me to ads they need to make it not a problem for me.