It literally was in the opening paragraph. Previous years keynotes are available in a playlist here, so I assume they’ll do the same for this year’s keynotes as well. The event only just ended yesterday.
It literally was in the opening paragraph. Previous years keynotes are available in a playlist here, so I assume they’ll do the same for this year’s keynotes as well. The event only just ended yesterday.
Open Source Summit 2024 keynotes. I don’t think any of the recordings are available yet.
The malicious code is only thought to have affected deb/rpm packaging (i.e the backdoor only included itself with those packaging methods). Additionally, arch doesn’t link ssh against liblzma which means this specific vulnerability wasn’t applicable to arch. Arch may have still been vulnerable in other ways, but this specific vulnerability targeted deb/rpm distros
I hope you’re right and this isn’t about them getting ready to DRM brush handles to brush heads. Sonicare brush heads are ridiculously overpriced compared to the knock offs
You need to use chown if you want to own the libs
The LE steam decks are shipping with a screen manufactured by BOE.
Mine just arrived and indeed has 3 dead subpixels (2 blue, 1 green)
LE, order placed 10:19 Pacific. Not shipped yet, but packaged. Guess the Canada shipping backlog is real – hopefully it comes this week.
But you actually don’t know what monero is being used for when it’s used in transactions, no one does. You just have a bias that if people want to keep their transactions secret, it must be illegal.
You could make the same argument for cash.
This is called the “Door in the face method” of bargaining. Start with a request so high and absurd that you “slam the door in their face” because it’s so absurd.
The next time they try, they’ll come back with an offer that sounds far more reasonable than the original request. Since you’re still primed with the previous context, your brain makes it sound less bad than it probably is ("At least it’s not the first offer!). You’re more likely to accept after this.
The opposite technique is called “foot in the door”, start with a small request (get your foot in the door) and then increase the ask after the small request goes over.
You need a budget, but it’s not free.
But with Intuit, you are the product, so it’s only free in the sense that they get your info and you get mint in return.
I don’t really use it for this, but here are some things I do use it for:
I mostly just use it for metrics scraping though
If you were under Linux, you could have the start command change desktop resolution with xrandr. But since you are on Windows it looks like qres is a command line app to help you achieve the same thing: https://m.majorgeeks.com/files/details/qres.html
There’s also HDR switch: https://github.com/bradgearon/hdr-switch
Using the nvstreamer1080 option may be a bit easier, but nice to have options!
Edit: I should read better. Did you try
C:\\path\\to\\QRes.exe /x:1200 /y:800
Just run from you command line first until you get the hang of it
Because he prioritized his time in getting the application usable rather than implementing various tiers of payments instead.
One of the messages to the discord this morning seems to indicate he’s planning on adding the one time ad-free unlock today.
Updated amd64-microcode for EPYC processors appears available for several distributions which has mitigations available. I went ahead and proactively grabbed the microcode update from Debian unstable (not the best practice) and applied it without issue to my Bullseye/EPYC.
This isn’t exactly condoned as it’s not officially a backport, but I’ll take my chances as this is pretty critical.
Date of the updated microcode should be July 19th.
I originally bought the JSAux Dock and shortly after connecting it to my TV it started wrecking havoc with the CEC functions. Volume control would randomly stop working. Was pulling my hair out thinking that something in the AVR stack was starting to fritz out and go.
I pushed them for a refund and swapped to the OEM Dock. Haven’t looked back since. CEC issues disappeared and the dock feels a lot more reliable than the jsaux one.
Also JSAux dock only had windows firmware updaters at the time, so wasn’t a great look for first party support.
I happily use Fedora for workstation purposes but hate to admit I use it, so it’s an accurate critique. It’s a great operating system though, naming aside.