Toxic positivity is just like woke, it can be anything you want it to be!
For real though, not allowing down votes is not toxic positivity. You don’t go to an orgy and start yucking everyone’s yums. You’re not being told you can’t dislike things, you just aren’t allowed to vocalize it at no cost. And if you do decide to vocalize it in a comment, you may* be kicked out of the orgy because it’s a fucking orgy and that’s the rules. There’s literally no point to it except to shit on others, which you wouldn’t do at an IRL orgy**.
*There might be a room for sexual degradation **There might be a room for scat
Toxic positivity is telling someone their negative feelings (not opinions) are invalid. The existence of this term still doesn’t make people at an orgy assholes if they tell someone who’s bringing down the mood to go away. It’s literally a fucking party, don’t go there trying to make everyone worse. I could play devil’s advocate and say that the act of throwing a feel good only party is toxic positivity as it’s just as likely to enable escapism (from bad feelings) as it is to be totally neutral, but fuck that. Sometimes the cure to a bad mood is acknowledging it, and then escaping it.
Fuck LG, not like they made good BR players. I’ve sworn to avoid buying their shit since they discontinued support for a BR player within a year of release, which back then meant you wouldn’t be able to watch any BR movie released after a certain date due to new DRM or whatever. They just up and decided to not release new firmware for units still under warranty.