I name mine after space! Earth, Moon, Mars, Saturn, etc…
just a dude doing dude things.
I name mine after space! Earth, Moon, Mars, Saturn, etc…
DDG’s AI is actually pretty good. I’ve used it several times and it’s always helpful. But I like that they let you turn it off.
I love jellyfin! I’ve been using it for a few years and it has definitely gotten better. Every once in a while, it will incorrectly detect a show and I’ll have to manually add it. Usually on obscure or older shows and movies.
freetube for windows and linux. newpipe for android.
this one is easy. go outside and meet real people.
mailbox.org has been pretty good. you can also sync contacts and calendar using DAVx5 on android. They don’t have any official apps. but thunderbird mobile works well.
yep. their CEO kissed the ring. cancelled my subscription immediately.
mailbox.org for mail. you can watch most youtube using freetube and skip the ads and sponsors.
I’m sure this will work out as well as the “apocalypse proof” cyberturd.
nope, never happening.
for mail, Mailbox.org (originally I said posteo but I was unable to get the payment to go through. idk why). For drive, calendar, contacts, passwords, I’m working on setting up nextcloud but it’s not ready yet. I still have a few months before I’m downgraded. for VPN, I’m still looking for alternatives.
Cancelled my years long subscription today. Any company that bows down to tRump should be avoided. Vote with your wallet.
whew! I’m glad we solved all the REAL problems so now we can focus on this shit!
I tried brewing my own once. It tasted like sweet frothy dirt. lol. I could give it another go I suppose. I did join some local facebook free groups. So that’s a start. I would like to also distance myself from facebook but there’s literally nothing else that people use around here.
same here. I cancelled all subscriptions too. The billionaires have enough money. Not giving them any more of mine. At this point, I only buy food and beer. I’m learning to sew so I can keep my clothes longer too. they will stop making garbage when people stop buying it.
yes absolutely! do that!
fucking scab. and I liked perplexity too. won’t be using it again.
Sceptre still sells dumb TVs’. If you are in the US, Walmart sells them. I have one and it’s pretty good. No frills.
Chik-fil-a does something stupid. Must be a day that ends in y.
I work with a lot of legal hispanic folks in a deep red state. They all voted for him. Now they are all afraid of this exact thing happening. I’m probably the only person in my office that voted Harris.