Brazil’s based, now?
Don’t fret. I was the one reading quickly, leading to a misreading. Hence why I was able to spot my mistake upon re-reading your comment
Fretboard is for looking up chords, I reckon
Edit: nvm. Misread your comment as “looking up chords (guitar) on Flathub”
Muricans’ ability to make any and every thing about themselves amazes me
There’s Ambient Music Mod, “Port of Now Playing from Pixels to other Android devices”. It’s not the same, but it allows for your device to recognise popular music even while offline, possibly on a regular basis. It requires Shizuku, though.
Is mayonnaise a technology?
I wonder if the next president could do something to stop that… seems like the head of DOGE might like it (or not, if that means contrarians disappear and stop “community noting” his posts, and allow for a more echoey chamber)
Well, what if they somehow manage to get into my password manager account? I mean, it has a login, like any other account. The way to prevent it would be to have a strong enough password. Regardless, if they somehow got my main password, they’d have free access to all my credentials everywhere, and would be able to log into them as easily as I can. I mean, it is easier to secure one account well vs. however many others that the password manager can take care of. But still, a centralised hub with easy access to all my accounts feels like a one-stop shop for taking over my online life
I mean, to myself, I can deal with the consequences of my choices (as much as they can suck sometimes). But recommending stuff to other people I find complicated. I mean, I’ve gotten locked out of accounts due to 2fa (some being old and lost to time, others due to an unlucky series of events and a last minute half-assed backup) and even had to troubleshoot and/or reinstall (Linux) operating systems on my laptop (one instance of which relates to the aforementioned 2fa incident). To recommend something to someone and risk something like that, and be responsible for it… I mean, I once had to help troubleshoot a non-booting Linux machine via messages and photos during lunch out, and I myself am not an expert, so I had to online research from my phone and relay the information
Say, what are the chances either
Can someone more knowledgeable explain to me this? Why do certain security software require access to the kernel? To keep malware from getting to the kernel or something? Doesn’t restricting access to the kernel offer more security? Wouldn’t malware also be unable to access the kernel? Or is that not the case? (Kernel is what connects software and hardware, correct? Just to be sure)
Don’t Proton emails come starred or marked as oficial? At least on the Android app, for me, it shows ‘Oficial’