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They are the same, just divided to 10 differently.
I very quickly checked wikipedia, because I couldn’t easily identify the extra one. It lists all 16 of the 10 commandments… The table looks like different branches of christianity bundle some of them together (mostly various coveting) or don’t even consider the first and last a commandment, so they always only count to ten. So it’s an easy mistake to make.
But the fact that they couldn’t even count the paragraphs is riddiculous.
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I didn’t read the original paper yet, perhaps it’s there, but it isn’t in the linked article nor its source Ars Technica article. Can authors themselves upload their papers to these archives, and if so, how to do it correctly to make it findable both by DOI and other means? Does anyone know?
Wow, thank you, this is a great source! So less than 90% of the income is used to run the companies and do all the R&D. Honestly, that’s less than I thought and shows how greedy they are. If I read it right, they are more profitable than other large companies. Wow. So a state-owned non-profit pharma company could in theory produce new medicine 10 % cheaper and still be fine. Provided that state-owned company could be as efficient as a private one…
You don’t need profit in the sense of making lots of extra money compared to how much money you actually put in. I would be very interested in how much net profit is compared to gross in relative numbers. It’s a lot in absolute numbers, but I suspect not so much in relative. The problem why drug development is so very expensive is that you don’t just pay large sums for the drugs that are developed, but also for all those that are not, because they prove not useful during the testing. And there is way, way more than the successful ones, perhaps 100 to 1? I don’t have numers at hand. So in the end, you have to charge a lot of extra money above the production cost if you want to have enough money to develop any drugs at all.
Of course, that isn’t true for old drugs. Which is a reason why generics are so much cheaper. And also why patents need to exist.
I’m sure pharma companies abuse the system as much as they can, but not as much as it might appear at a first glance.
A state doesn’t have this kind of money to burn. If they did it, the money would have to come from somewhere. So either you increase taxes, decrease spending elsewhere, or start a business making a lot of money. Such as, say, selling the newly developed medications at a markup… It’s sad, but I’m not aware of a better way.
That being said, the cost of medications in the US is utterly ridiculous.
I would’ve thought that picking some of the 5 distinct points I provided to be absolutely clear would be simple. Apparently not. Nice day to you, too.
Possibly poor wording, not a native speaker here. I apologise if I offended you. I would really appreciate if you could point out particular points which you find “outrageous and despicable”.
No, I’m fine, thanks. I might, though, when I try to find what you’re talking about… Out of curiosity, which points of my TLDR trigger you so much?
I’m not saying it isn’t bad. It is, but it seems to be handled by the law enforcement, pretty much wrapped up and not something I should be concerned about.
So, I actually read the article. The possibility of contaminating local populations of wild sheep is very bad, and the possibility didn’t occur to me before reading simply because wild, uncontaminated populations of big herbivores are barely a thing in Europe, sadly. Other than that, it’s just some illegal trafficking which is no worse than any other and, in fact, much better than most other illegal animal trafficking, I think. It sounds like no living animals actually suffered during the trafficking.
As for the creation of a new kind of sheep, no genetic engineering was taking place. It was a normal breeding (OK, assisted breeding, insemination, but for agricultural standards, it was absolutely normal). Getting the male to produce the sperm was done in an unusual manner. I admit I severely underestimated advancement of cloning in agriculture. The article sounds like he simply sent some biological material to the lab and got embryos back. Come to think of it, I heard about cloning horses and bulls for this precise purpose, so I shouldn’t have been surprised. Anyway, that pretty much invalidates my initial idea that the cloning protocol might be useful. All the more so since the species is not actually endangered.
Regarding the captive hunting, while I might have some reservations about that, it actually sounds pretty much fine for the animals. I don’t quite know how it works, but I imagine that it means the animals in some fenced, but rather large and mostly wild enclosure, where they can do mostly what they please, until someone comes along and shoots them (or not). In my book, while not ideal, that’s pretty much OK, compared to commercial pig farming or taking baby calves away from their mothers to get more milk. Especially since the scale of captive hunting must be much, much smaller. If I wanted to be enraged about something bad happening to animals, I would try to pick a place where animals suffer most and in largest numbers, according to my moral compass. If your preferences are different, that’s alright and it’s great that you actually care about this this much. If you know enough context and find it worthwhile, all the better. Especially if you actually try and do something about it.
trafficking animals - bad, but obviously handled
endangering local populations - very bad, fortunately stopped in this particular case
cloning - surprisingly routine, it seems
breeding - the only problem is that they bred forbidden species, otherwise pretty standard
captive hunting - not a big issue in my opinion, but I understand why others might feel differently
I think I might as well respond to some of your criticism directed at me
after having it repeatedly pointed out that, in fact, none of this was used for preservation of the original endangered species, but some monstrous hybrid was created
I don’t see that pointed out anywhere. But it would hardly matter, since I suggested that it might be valuable for future efforts, when I thought there might be some need for that. Also, why was the hybrid monstrous? Is a mule monstrous? It’s just a guess, but I think your understanding of the word hybrid comes more from horror movies than biology. Also, no mutant was created anywhere, at least not more than is normal for such biological processes, such as your birth, and mine.
even sugar-coat it and outright dismiss both the shocking moral and ethical issues
It was not my intention to sugar-coat anything. But if someone does something bad and possible outcome of it might do some good, I say it would be wrong not to use it. And could you please elaborate on what in particular you find so shocking?
Compared to what else is happening in the world, other than its weirdness and entertainment value, the whole affair seems to me to be of very little consequence. Someone messed with a few individual endangered animals in a failed attempt to provide a niche entertainment. So what. If it helps save an entire species, it seems like the more important bit of the whole story to me. Although I can definitely see your point. I should probably note I didn’t take the time to read the article, so it is entirely possible I missed some awful bits or some such.
Well sure, but the differences between species are not necessarily negligible, so a tested protocol is definitely valuable. Should someone have a good idea and funding for how to use it, of course.
So if I hear you right, the guy has a working protocol for cloning a highly-endngered species developed and working in, I presume, moderately well-funded lab at best? That sounds somewhat interesting for conservationist efforts.
In a considerable part of the world.
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