Fair enough, I’m not going to do a background check on every poster but I see that I was lumping your response in with the originator of the thread and could have given yours a more charitable interpretation.
Fair enough, I’m not going to do a background check on every poster but I see that I was lumping your response in with the originator of the thread and could have given yours a more charitable interpretation.
It’s not for “asking a question”
We’re all used to these “centrist” / “just asking questions” types and how they only crawl out of their holes to play devil’s advocate for fascists, it’s tired.
You’re in a fantasy world fighting straw men of your own creation, dividing and attacking amongst those that oppose Trump. You’re a “vote blue no matter who” boiling frog who is more eager to attack the people demanding more from both parties than to stand up alongside your leftist brothers and sisters fighting fascism.
You’re a vote-obsessed political agnostic who doesn’t understand that progress and political action don’t start and end at upvotes and paper ballots. You’re crying with your tail between your legs waiting for the fascist to let you vote again.
Your contributions aren’t needed or useful. Your divisive and confrontational attitude towards those left of you is helping Trump at least as much if not more than those you’re criticizing.
If an Arab American or someone with actual loved ones who are dying in Palestine or someone who otherwise can’t bring themselves to vote for genocide enablement chose to vote for neither red nor blue they’re not my enemy, Trump and his kind and people like you who enable Democrat complacency and the ratchet effect are my enemy.
If you cowards joined those you mock in ACTUAL political action the Democrats wouldn’t all be neutered 100 year olds.
Taking opportunities like this to make disingenuous comments to feel smug is psychopath behavior you Internet point chasing degenerate.
Shouldn’t you be hiding in a hole until it’s time to vote again? Let the adults handle the resistance.
don’t dilute the meaning of the word fascist by using it in this way. It doesn’t just mean “bad.” Fighting for equality is exactly the fight against fascism.
how many iterations until you get a minute of video you’re happy with?
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In the off chance that domestic producers can make those goods at a price cheaper than overseas_cost+25% guess what they’ll charge? The same high price.
Israel already illegally developed nuclear weapons on their own
yeah at this point I’m not gonna be satisfied with “defeating them at the polls” and Bidening things up for a few years. There need to be real consequences here.
fair enough maybe I passed judgement too quickly or read too deeply into your comments
I deleted it because I’m not interested in picking a fight on his topic but
Our internal politics are probably more important than the entirety whatever country you live in. We spend way too much on our military for you not to pay attention.
Even a “good guy” like you can’t seem to get out of this mindset that Americans are the most important.
When it comes to global politics I care as much about your slide into fascism as I do about any other. It’s closer to home for me, but these are global trends and caused by you.
If you all adopted more of a global worldview instead of this exceptionalism and dominance oriented worldview we’d all be better off.
The main difference in this presidency is just that it’s mask off and former allies are no longer treated like they’re part of the Imperial core. You’ve been doing this to everyone else under both teams.
The only real value is in our resources, labor, and manufacturing capability, and those will still be here.
This is why I’ve always considered “capital flight” an empty threat. Let capital leave… They’ve done more harm by staying and slowly moving all of our production capacity overseas.
These idiots think destroying the systems will hurt us, they’re so bought into their own bullshit. That’s the silver lining in all this, we’ll build back stronger.
Exactly. Americans have been doing the same sorts of things since basically their inception. The only difference was that it was only impacting countries that weren’t in their sphere of influence. The only difference now is they’ve decided to let all the air out of that sphere to the point where former allies are being treated the same way everyone else had been for a hundred years.
It’s gonna damage us all, but the silver lining is that the US will never be dominant again. It was happening slowly, now it’s happening before our eyes.
Hoarding a bunch of US dollars while giving everyone every incentive to disconnect from the US economy.
It’s like they think the economic world order is a law of nature.
We could all stop using money today, and decide on a whole different system, and they’d have nothing again but our hatred.
Keep pushing, morons.
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Perhaps I misinterpreted your comment in this thread, I’m addressing the people that keep picking on voters that couldn’t stomach voting for genocide or more of the same from the Democratic party. Liberals are making bigger enemies of leftists than they are of conservatives.
The irony of people that have been letting the Democrats get away with complacency for decades being all “you’ll find out…”
They’re an ineffective out of touch party because you keep letting them get away with “vote blue no matter who” as their only cohesive strategy.
If you joined the left in pushing back on the Democrat ratchtet effect many elections ago, we wouldn’t be here. The second best time is now.
Keep voting blue no matter who. In 8 years when they parade the Trump family around in front of you as allies against the current Republican you’ll be chastising us for not supporting Trump’s party. It happened with Bush and Cheney.
Sorry I’ve been imprecise again, I meant the root comment that’s from Lung.