Every single fucking day, my soul wilts just a little bit more…
Every single fucking day, my soul wilts just a little bit more…
Please tell me the original poster was being sarcastic… Please…
My condolences…
She had me at “Meredith.” Everything else just solidifies my infatuation.
Sure! Why have AI assisted ambulances or firetrucks when you can slap an AI onto ICBM carriers!
I can say without a shadow of a doubt that there is no sweeter pleasure than watching utter panic and chaos unfold when the rockstar quits. I love quitting shitty jobs…
Now, that’s the sensible approach, but we don’ take too kindly to “sensible” 'round these here parts!
Jest aside, I see the point in doing this in cases where the company actually deals with very sensitive stuff, but in terms of average app developing company… meh… Most people are smart enough to know not to share keys and creds, and most people who hang around the ol’ Slack channels for a meme and a laugh really don’t care about said keys or creds.
In my case, I did my 6-year stint in full-on Corpo, then dipped from Start-up to Start-up, and it’s always been the same story.
100% down. My experience with comms security has been such that we were still shitposting on ‘official’ Spam channels with people who had not been employed at that company for months. One of them even slipped up and accidentally dissed one of his former teammates on the project team channel, and that’s when they ejected him from Slack. About 5 months after he quit.
They did love insta-deleting GSuite accounts without switching doc ownerships or transferring associated accounts, effectively annihilating a lot of vital design stuff. Stuff was super-secure after that, I’ll give’em that much!
Great, it’ll have to plow through ~30GB of 1080p recordings of darkness and my upstairs neighbors living it up in the AMs. And nothing else.
Dude, what the fuck!
No, I have several notebooks allocated for various types of importance - one for writing down everything, one in which I write down things which are relevant but not important long-term, and two in which I keep copies of the notes I need to keep. I just write it twice.
If you’re asking about official documents, then yes. I keep at least* two legalised copies of everything (always separate) and 5 generic photocopies of each document in case anyone needs it on file for whatever reason.
Again, these aren’t new arguments against storage environments, we’ve literally been doing bureaucracy for centuries.
Edit: to add, this is fretting over potentialities, I have lost precisely zero documents to water damage in three decades, so has my family for decades before that. Not saying it can’t happen, just saying it’s pretty easy to keep paper copies safe and usable for ridiculous amounts of time.
Same argument can be made about a hard drive, or a data tape, which is why I think we can all agree backups are vital in every type of archival action.
See, this is why I’m sticking with pen and paper for the really important stuff.
No offence to the apps themselves, I find them especially useful when I need to transfer info from one device to another. But I do not trust anything purely digital for long-term to permanent archiving, especially not Cloud solutions.
Also significantly more reliable in case said info need not see the light of day. Just sayin’.
Thank you, I honestly forgot all about Terminator after the last couple of movies.
That one always seemed to be a contradiction in itself, meant to reinforce the massive cognitive dissonance mechanism the State used to keep the populace with no solid ground on which to plant their feet. While everything was mechanically predictable from the outside, I don’t think anyone actually going through something like that would be able to fully grasp what was happening.
I think Terminator, yes! That idea that the future was already set and nothing could change it much. They kinda’ tried to hammer it home in the third, but they didn’t end up doing much with it.
But yeah, that’s it. The downfall’s bad enough that it’s become predictable.
My bad in this case, guess I have a bias toward their contextualisation within the first game.
Fair enough, guess I’m anthropomorphising AI a bit too much!
But, yes, that was my intended message, the point when it gains critical mass as a discriminatory concept.
Don’t forget, though, the Geth pretty much defended themselves without even having time to understand what was happening.
Imagine suddenly gaining both sentience and awareness, and the first thing which your creators and masters do is try to destroy you.
To drive this home even further, even the “evil” Geth who sided with the Reapers were essentially indoctrinated themselves. In ME2, Legion basically overwrites corrupted files with stable/baseline versions.
Can’t wait for the day when I’ll be able to get a titanium pancreas!