They’re probably skint and need a loan.
Problem is, they created it? Oops
not called Brad but rather a lad, from Bradford in the UK.
Enjoys breaking apps, escooters, spam rings and sometimes bones, but not my own. That sucks.
They’re probably skint and need a loan.
Problem is, they created it? Oops
tldr: people using Windows can get duped into running what is basically a Powershell / Shortcut to pwn themselves
I cock blocked them with Qbit even though I don’t use Windows
Were they / are they on the 3 network?
If so, that’s why because 3 has never had a 2G network at all ;)
I’ve picked up running an i2p node again for the last few weeks since I feel it’s a safer thing to use considering my governments recent shitbaggery, and while it’s hard to find a fair amount of niche shit the clearnet/recent stuff actually downloads at a decent rate.
The more people start firing up nodes now, the better it’ll become down the line hopefully.
I’ve kinda been struggling with Qbit and Ubuntu in this regard (+time at work is killing me).
Default repo gives up Qbit v4.6.3 but doesn’t have libtorrent-raster-v2 and has only v1 but then, Qbit v5.0.4 (I think it’s that version but on my phone) doesn’t give up the i2p connection?
Anyone help out a noobie.ish wanting to give bandwidth out yet again (since the UK gov is being silly again) or, is there development for i2psnark at last?
I don’t think I’d feel “attacked” but more impressed that I came to light if they sent me them very much like a naughty “copyright warning” and would send it back with a brick in it.
I regularly get letters from the power company about how I’m using like 3x the power of the average person in my type of unit.
I’m also using a lot of self hosted things but have never received any of those.
Where do you reside generally where they’re sending them because it ain’t a thing here in the UK?
Really appreciated, and you use either of these?
I am finding it difficult to find a reliable Cloud service
I’ll tell ya what I have issue with.
Tailscale allows me and others to access our own locally hosted storage but requires a SSO provider. Currently using Google and Github I ain’t too confident with that and would love others thoughts on how to self host it?
It was the sheer arrogance of that “supervisor” I escalated it to and I hate to think how someone like a pensioner would’ve dealt with them that day wanting to access their bank account, especially since all the local branches have been closed 👺
RIP Yorkshire Bank
See that’s the thing, I work far too hard and after a night shift and then getting onto a “customer support” agent reveals the cracks in our society.
Maybe you could work harder too!
Maybe I could try buying and scalping an iPhone on eBay
:thinky face:
I literally had to switch bank accounts because I couldn’t reset my password “on the web” and required me to use Virgin Money’s app.
Customer service agent(s) on the phone after prolonged discussions why their app wouldn’t work on three Android phones right in front of me surfaced, and I shit you not
Well sir, I have my iPhone here and can login just fine maybe you should buy one of those instead
That day I found out about this
I’ve too noticed the very same thing even over in the piracy community where they’re complaining about the use of AI art for banner / post images.
It’s kinda one of those irrational hates when like you guys say it’s an insta downvote for the content.
So yeah, upvoted (after reading the fucking article content)
without Google’s android, and in Western world you can’t use it for banki g purposes due to lack of security
Weird how I can use this PC (Made in China) without needing no oversight from lel Google to access my bank without issue. Right?
This research aims to examine whether a preference for popular music of a specific era still exists and whether it still follows a
non-monotonicnon monolithic relationship with age.
I went with a typo at first :/
Because you’re trusting and paying two third parties instead of one? Like I say - my provider I imagine is dumping the copyright violations directly in the bin these days and if I wanted to really get off the clearnet and things went to shit I would simply spin up an I2P node/moar bandwidth if I was really concerned.
But I’m not currently, and find it weird how many want us to use things hosted in a different country which might be at any time under obligation to release all my details to a foreign entity. Each to their own and all.
Yeah I checked it out and it seems nice with all the other info not available in FlowX such as sunrise/sunset times etc in a Material theme. But I like FlowX simply for its information density and accuracy, latter being my most favourite thing since I can switch between high res models and predict myself if I need freezer pantie time/weather proofs.
Nah they’re connecting to their home network via a Tailscale exit node which basically runs all your
requeststraffic through your device/router at home/ external server, P2P encrypted.And if it’s got an adblocker on that network you soon notice if it’s not connected since all the ads come flooding in.
I too third Tailscale, since it is literally now saving me money because work has give us pretty darn fast WiFi albeit with a nanny filter which the above exit node breaks you out of so I now don’t pay for as much data on my cellular plan.