I just bought a new LG TV with QNED screen. It will NEVER be connected to the Internet, or any network. The ‘smart’ part might as well not exist on the TV.
I just bought a new LG TV with QNED screen. It will NEVER be connected to the Internet, or any network. The ‘smart’ part might as well not exist on the TV.
Also Eclipse Theia, it has the same interface and functionality and it is compatible with most VSCode extensions (probably over 98% of them?).
Eclipse Theia if you already know VSCode.
It copied the interface and functionality and is compatible with most VSCode extensions. Available as an AppImage on Linux.
Glad I don’t use Xitter.
The problem is that that hardware, and older, is still perfectly capable of preforming modern desktop tasks. I have a 12 year old Athlon FX 8320 with 32GB RAM that works great, not the most efficient processor in terms of energy but runs everything well, yet it’s not supported. Honestly I don’t give a shit about Winblows, I work with Linux (system administrator) and I only use Win10 for some gaming. That said, I have a newer Ryzen 9 5950X with 128GB RAM to work with virtualization, and it will stay on Win10 till no longer being sustainable.
Ah, the WIntel cartel is at it again. Planned obsolescence.
And now instead of stopping producing them, we will continue with the excuse ‘we have the cure for the disease!’
Windows guests also run fine on KVM, use the Virtio drivers from Fedora project.
Politicians being stupid and thick, as usual.
This can be replicated with off-the-shelf components and readily available software. The real issue is the low security of cars.
Also, a similar device with better capabilities is about to hit the market.
There are several solutions but will be above the budget. Best solution is the Argon Eon case for the RPi 4. I’m waiting for a version for the RPi 5.
Can house the Pi and either 4x 2.5" drives or 2x 2.5" and 2x 3.5" drives, all SATA.
It’s called Parental Control software.
All your tracks are belong to us. /s
What a load of bullshit.
Have you read the Terms of Service of Google Drive for regular users?? You will give Google irrevocable and total rights on everything that is placed there for them to use as they see fit. It bewilders me how people still use that ‘service’…
Have a look at NewPipe app, might be of interest.
Nah, just be patient and wait the 5s. They are trying to create an artificial problem to try to make users switch to their garbage Chrome browser. When they see that Firefox users are smarter and don’t give a shit about their stupid tactics, or even better, use different apps like FreeTube to see the videos, they will stop. Either that or destroy the platform.
I wait the 5 secs, don’t bother me at all. It’s not like they are an ad… :D
PiHole blocks DNS resolutions, the crap sites won’t even open in the browser, etc. AdNauseam and uBlock Origin use the same engine and lists, so they overlap.
The CA (Certification Authority) is what validates the encryption certificates that TLS uses in HTTPS. In this case it can certify a cypher that can be used in a site’s certificates and be known to a government agency (the 3rd party) and used to decrypt the HTTPS stream. This basically an Man-In-The-Middle attack.
Only tried it on Windows 10 and I have a beast of a desktop machine (Ryzen 9 5950x, 128GB RAM and a Radeon X5600XT, built it for virtualization). Will try it on Linux later today and on my laptop.
FreeTube, free open source YT client for desktop (Win, Mac, Linux). Been using it for past few days and despite being alpha, it works quite well. No data sent to YT except video requests. Subscriptions are stored locally and you can create profiles to separate subscriptions.
There are already affordable EVs in Europe, as an example the Dacia Spring which has the same 230km autonomy and even lower price (18-19.000€ retail final price to consumer in Portugal which has high taxes on new vehicles).
Not as snazzy looking though, that’s what’s really important! /s