- Chrome is no longer available in my phone, computer,…
There’s always money in the banana stand
He is really really dumb person, so it is not surprising he does stupid stuff. Look at cybershit, tesla robot (driven by people remotely), anything he did last year… He is fucking dumb idiot.
Someone should do a massive DDOS.
He would try to smoke the moon regolith and come up with some rad ideas. Occupy Moon! Yeeeeaah
Haha, that was the idea 🤣
I think the only one that can solve all of their problems is elon. He would fix it in few weeks. Include him in next launch, he will troubleshoot directly on the Moon. Please, someone, send that asshole to space.
Dicks buying cybershits deserve some mockery.
I’m on completely free, no deletionm I’m using it to run Wireguard tunnel to my home network, after I was put behind CGNAT. Domain name pointed to the VPS, it redirects ports to my home.
Oracle Free Tier. Works like a charm for me for 2 years. Really free, really working. No matter what shit company Oracle is.
Noobs who like to live on the edge
I wanted to say Annoying Orange, but he is not a convict.
Why did I write Plex? I moved to Jellyfin maybe 3 or 4 years ago and never looked back. I have to edit my comment.
Jellyfin and biiiig collection of series & movies.
But then THEY know what you took home from the library!
Where can I download a copy? I would upload it again, hate any sort of censorship?
It is fun to generate some stupid images a few times, but you can’t trust that “AI” crap with anything serious.
Seriously, let the nazis and less mentally fortunate have their “ai”.
I think anyone paying for this must have been mentally challenged.