Sometimes you might need an urgent answer (eg, overflowing sink or a weird smell coming from an appliance problem) and don’t have time to fill out a serious form
Sometimes you might need an urgent answer (eg, overflowing sink or a weird smell coming from an appliance problem) and don’t have time to fill out a serious form
That… Actually seems like not that bad of an idea (at least for forum/reddit/lemmy bots)
Well, if you ignore the infeasibility aspect of getting the humans to cooperate and stuff
As someone who switched from my beloved huawei p30 to a xiaomi 12, I regret my choice so much. Sure, huawei isn’t very open with rooting and bootloaders etc either, but installing a goddamn apk app didn’t take a whole extra minute becuase xiaomi wants me to be absolutely sure that I trust the maker and locks me out of clicking ‘I’m sure’ for 10s. Nor did it constantly try to turn off developer mode. Or turn off my ui customizations that run in the bg. Grrr
Not sure of what brand I’m gonna try next, might try the now independent Honor, or maybe give up and go with samsung, but my next phone will definitely not be a xiaomi
fuck up naming their pets or hell, their children
I mean, you have heard about what Musk named/wanted to name his child, yes?
I still have 8 lemmy apps installed on my phone lol
Yes but the at a certain point/temperature the color of flames circle back to blue
When did Sleipnir get scoleosis
There was a time quora was genuinely interesting/useful as an a2a site for all your ‘expert opinion’ questions. Now it’s just another social media
I feel ashamed to not have realized that the original image was mocking the gun argument until I read this comment