Mario Paint 2!
Mario Paint 2!
I was able to import the demo feed successfully, but I’m not sure if it’ll work for every FreshRSS feed.
Use feeeed for iOS. Looks and feels more modern than a lot of the other RSS apps but without any stupid bs. Free with no ads. Has a built-in reader mode that strips out article ads. Developed by one very awesome dude.
It can handle more than just RSS content too- you can follow Bluesky/Mastodon accounts, YouTube channel uploads, subreddits, and more with it.
I highly recommend changing the default view from “cards” to “list” so you can see more content.
You can submit the survey without checking any of the boxes on the AI question, just FYI.
Aldi is so rad and they have the best chocolate.
I definitely recommend turning on List view in the settings. The default card view is okay but it only lets you see 1-2 things at a time vs 5-6.
When Reddit went to shit I turned to RSS to get my daily news. After trying many different iOS apps, all of which either sucked or had a monthly fee, I came across one called feeeed.
It has become one of my favorite apps and I highly recommend it. It’s free and extremely well designed! I believe its creator also works on the Arc browser team.
I soft quit Reddit last year and deleted all my profile’s comments and posts. I only kept it around because I had heard Reddit was restoring deleted posts and I wanted to make sure mine were gone for good. After several months I stopped checking.
This article made me finally pull the trigger and go in to delete my account. Surprise surprise, two pages of old comments had been restored.
Sure, that sucks. But I’m not saying there are zero downsides, I’m specifically countering the argument that there are “no good reasons” with my personal good reasons.
Thats precisely what I’m referring to- these things being possible when you’re inside of a store, restaurant, or an extreme case like you parked at the airport for a trip.
The fob won’t work if you’re deep inside a store, will it? Same for checking the mirrors.
That’s a very subjective take. My friends and family that live in hot climates love the ability to remotely turn on and pre-cool their vehicles. I appreciate being able to check if I remembered to lock the doors.
It’s a pretty neat idea, although currently the bots only reply to your posts. If you don’t say anything, nothing happens. It would be cool if the bots could converse with each other about random topics.
I went back and looked at the articles I had read and dug a little deeper to get to an interview with Lilly Wachowski herself:
Continuing on The Matrix**, you confirmed a couple years ago that it was a trans allegory —**
No, I didn’t.
You didn’t? Tell me more.
Yeah, so that came from an interview I did for Disclosure. They had a bunch of Matrixquestions. And the question they asked me was about Switch, who was originally written as a trans character who was male in the real world and female in the matrix. And they took that response and attached the question that everyone now references that it’s a trans allegory. And so it was slightly out of context, but I don’t sit here and put a stink up about it, because it is a trans allegory in that it was written by two closeted trans women. And so all of the things that are in it are super-duper trans. The idea of transformation, even the whole “My name is Neo, Mr. Anderson —” that idea of claiming identity, it’s undeniable.
To be honest, her statement doesn’t seem like either a denial or confirmation to me so 🤷♂️
From what I’ve read, The Matrix wasn’t created as a trans allegory, it’s just that you can apply the fundamentals of its story to many concepts. One of the most popular interpretations happens to be gender identity because its creators transitioned years after the original trilogy ended.
Someone on Lemmy did a markdown test of all existing Lemmy apps and posted the results. Raccoon was one of the worst performers, and after seeing the results the dev went nuclear.
Here’s a comment on the original post talking about it. I think the thread’s OP ended up removing Raccoon from their results but the damage was already done.
Society isn’t ready for that
Lemmy hates Meta but honestly the Quest 3 is a fantastic headset. I use mine semi-regularly for wireless Steam VR.
Asked what he thinks about a presidential candidate speaking about batteries this way, Sadoway laughed. “Are we talking about the scientific literacy of any candidate?” he said. “I question the scientific literacy of anybody who’s running for president.” He added: “There are so many battery posers out there who don’t know the cathode from the anode.”
Absolute battery chad
Netflix was always a paid service though. I don’t know if people will want to pay for something they’ve had for free for over a decade, especially if the free subreddits will still exist.
I’d also imagine that for any paid subreddit, someone will make a free version with similar content.