I don’t even think any apps that use the API are allowed to use “Spot” in their name.
It cannot begin with “Spot” or be similar to “Spotify” in sound or spelling.
Is this what chaotic good looks like?
I’m guessing they don’t want to test on any other browsers, so it’s easier just to say that those aren’t supported. Most likely it works on others, you just need to spoof the agent.
Yes, thank you! I hate this constant narrative that back-to-office is always tied to commercial real-estate investments, or that there’s some magical tax incentive.
Usually what you have is: bank lends money to a commercial real estate company that owns the building. Commercial real estate company leases out office space to one or many companies. When those companies reduce or terminate their leases, the commercial real estate company struggles to pay their mortgage and defaults. Commercial real estate loses. Bank loses. And if commercial real estate had pooled investments to fund the building (along with bank loan), then those investors lose as well.
There are some large companies that own their own buildings, but that’s more of an exception.
I’m assuming the numbers must include retail stores purchasing the product to sell to their customers too? Or are these direct to consumer numbers only?
Well what sort of engineering standards are these planes built to?
PC load letter!? What the fuck does that mean?
Just like in nineteen ninety-eight when The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer’s table?
How do you do the ingredients for a recipe? Does it understand “1tbsp” and things like that?
Do you have a link?
OMG, they have copied all my files!!
Why wasn’t the original article linked to instead? The ArsTechnica article literally just quotes the Guardian over and over.
Logseq is worth looking into as well. You’d have the same sync conundrum as Obsidian, and can solve it the same way too.
More specifically, what’s the connection to Reddit?
This one goes in the mouth, and this one goes in the butt. No wait…
Spoil em, flash em, laser out a few.
Interesting podcast on the topic