I don’t know what to think about that. I don’t think that low income Republican voters will feel the face eating of the leopards they voted for as what it is.
And I’m not even American, but I can see that this exact same thing is going to happen here in Europe/Germany as well. People will vote for the extreme right parties that have all their propaganda on how they are going to give money to the small people and make the country more secure - and at the same time their political programs and past behavior screams “we will give tax cuts mainly to the ultra rich and never cared about the low income people”.
And they still get voted for. We just love us some good old fashioned fascism. Maybe I need to change my mindset and just be like “let’s gooooo”
Absolutely feel you, kinda similar situation at work atm. What frustrates me the most is that none of the IT personnel understands my frustration because most are not in that kind of IT community and don’t share the ideas behind all that. Just here to earn a dollar, whatever system we’re working on. No intrinsic desire to make the world better or at least more secure, none of that. Just robots and bureaucrats.