UK declares US to be called “United Colonies”
UK declares US to be called “United Colonies”
Whats the name of this character? I vaguely remember it from childhood in Russia lol
I agree with what you said, and personally find it stupid, however i wouldn’t go and issue a whole policy “to remove pronouns”
Beating will continue until morale improves
I ll just hijack this thread : when plugging my android into laptop, the laptop doesn’t recognise it as anything. And the phone doesn’t give me the option to “share files” instead of just charge. Does anyone knows what’s wrong?
If your oncle on FB does its wierd , but once your wierd oncle becomes milliardaire, he ll be called Anti Aging Zealot all over Internet
Stop posting this fucker
Also: “But why Russians just don’t overthrow putin if they don’t agree with the war?”
Goodbye “friend”
Please drink the verification can
70с/kWh is insane lolol
“My doctor told me I can’t have em, so now yall can’t either!” - Kim, probably
“God bless America” oh fuck you, your Santa Claus and your 1.5 brain cells still unaffected by your brain tumour
Average football fans
I have very a pair beautiful feet, with a strong arch. All toes included. Offers in PM.
What’s the link between unemployed and obese?
I bought mine cash, used Peugeot 308, 10k€. I feel like every car in US needs a real-estate-size loan to afford it
That’s the only reason why i would pay for it
i assume other countries do this too
France has flaws, but this isn’t one of them
tar -xfvz