back when they were trying to do steam machines, i was saying that’s what they needed. even if it was just a limited time exclusive, like hl3 comes out on linux in june, and on windows in december, it could’ve done a lot to solidify their os and hardware scheme. now though? idk if there’s enough hype remaining around the idea of hl3, and steamOS is already a success due to handhelds, and proton has made it way more appealing to do games from linux in general, so i don’t think it’d be so dramatic of an effect, and they’d probably lose out on sales to people who’re really into windows.
all that said, exclusives are usually the deciding factor when choosing between systems. linux has never really had a ‘killer app’. nobody wants to develop a program exclusively for linux because of its small market share, and it stays at a small market share because its competitors have important exclusives that folks can’t bear to go without.
if they already have a local central heating system (extremely cool, never heard of that before), then why the heck not?