Wow, Capitalism is breeding Capitalists with Capitalist ideas? (get government money and don’t want to do anything for themselves) But it’s not Capitalism’s fault you say…
Wow, Capitalism is breeding Capitalists with Capitalist ideas? (get government money and don’t want to do anything for themselves) But it’s not Capitalism’s fault you say…
If I had shitheads like you telling me why I was homeless, I would also be a heroin addict since it’s not like I had anything else to do anyway.
Don’t post images of objects, blind people cannot see them.
Type the items next time.
For the crime of homelessness, you are sentenced to a just lifetime of servitude in a for-profit prison. So righteous.
All I see here is pointing fingers at Cuba and Venezuela failing in places that they were sabotaged by the US, big surprise.
Yes we should destroy all media that isn’t politically correct right?
What can they possibly do to private trackers?
I think not getting what you paid for is a pretty big service problem idk man
Why yes, greed is exactly why Cuba deserves to be embargoed for all eternity, look how flawed communism is lol haha /s
Yes yes think of the children how can we not when it’s all you ever talk about
What the fuck bank do you use that looks at your OS and says “fuck that guy”?? It’s a fucking website
If it’s “always” then it’s not a “trend.” Maybe if there is “always” rage at Apple, there is a good reason for it.
tbf that “When did they buy Mint?” could just have easily been typed as a search query
You’d be a great employee of the Ministry of Truth
My understanding of “Android cameras bad” came from snapchat on Android literally taking shittier pictures and videos for some reason.
or imessage
Uh oh class!
I haven’t used i3 but I’d be surprised if it was that hard since it works out of the box on Gnome, KDE, Cinnamon, and xfce in my experience.
N-gin? Cortex’s henchman???