I believe LMDE includes the proprietary stuff you might need and, as others have said, Debian 12 is starting to as well.
Historical fencer, bike packer, friend of the Fae, it’s gets complicated…
I believe LMDE includes the proprietary stuff you might need and, as others have said, Debian 12 is starting to as well.
For a new user who just wants a good OS to start with, Pop_OS is a fine choice. A little surprised you had trouble with Mint identifying your WiFi card but, I see others have posted on it. Mint is typically my go-to recommendation for new Linux users.
“Man got so stuck in glory hole firefighters had to pull him until he was free”
This would have to be the opposite of a click bait headline…
I looked at LBRY for a while, but it kinda looked like the “trashy tabloid” section of the internet.
Palia is brand new (still in open Beta) It’s more focused on low-key crafting/farming and community, but opportunities to socialize are there.
Guild Wars 2 is my favorite “no subscription required” MMORPG that could work for you (but you have that one).
ESO Online is my favorite “subscription” MMO and I’ve met people there.
FFXIV is decent for socializing but, the hard-core gamers can stress you out. Works best if you join a low key guild that doesn’t want to speed-run all the duties and crap on you for not being as good as they are.
General rule for MMORPGs in general is, find a guild you like and hang with them.
Have to agree. They had a great start by enhancing Debian and being user friendly but, then they just kind of lost their way.
Although, speaking as a fan of Mint who used it as my “daily driver” for years, I think the time has come for them to switch from Ubuntu to Debian and embrace Wayland. I know that, if I’d stayed with Mint, I’ve have gone to LMDE by now.
…and Cable TV didn’t eliminate commercials…and ATMs didn’t reduce banking costs resulting in higher interest on savings…etc…
That has got to be the weirdest effing story angle… I mean, somebody went to a publisher, pitched that headline, and they responded with “Run with it”…
“His wife” could be a…let’s say, “euphemism” for something else. In which case, that ain’t rainwater falling…
I generally tell people on Manjaro to stay off the AUR. If it’s not in their “curated” repository, then just go with the flatpak.
I’ve used both. Manjaro, in their attempt to be “user friendly”, winds up disconnecting you from what makes Arch good. EndeavorOS, on the other hand, is basically Arch nicely set up for a “daily driver” PC along with some nice tools of their own you can use or not at your discretion. I’ve also used just plain Arch and I actually prefer EndeavourOS of the three.
Well played drug store stock-person…well played…
You have no idea how apropos this is to an argument I’m current embroiled in.
I know it’s a joke but, what’s disturbing is that I also know there’s probably a market for them…
Maybe if he tagged on the line “…for novelty purposes only” ? ;)
A friend of mine, who’s much more knowledgeable in these regulatory issues, filled me in somewhat. I guess, to make it work, it will require a high level of international cooperation. Frustrating because I’ve been in meetings with CEOs like that, but I’ve had the delegated authority to enforce proper design practices. All anyone could do with him was plead with him to see reason before he gets someone killed.
Maybe he’ll be staying there? They could call it “Mar-a-Uh-Ohh”?