I prefer dots over spaces.
Spaces can mess with stuff, double space…
I prefer dots over spaces.
Spaces can mess with stuff, double space…
edit:2 words
Seems like a positive, good on FCC.
Seems to not be a race problem, it is more on working class vs. wealthy class problem.
Wealthier neigborhoods vs. working class neigborhoods.
Interesting news to follow, can’t wait for independent yters and the like to start commenting on this.
Yes, FBI and the other agencies do have a lot of influece in everthing to do with gov’t/media.
Aaron Maté and Glenn Greenwald and some others report on FBI.
Matt Taibbi and twitter files also showed how social media companies and gov’t work together.
Talking about being a pirate in the high seas.
Torrents and 3rd party sites, and such.
Great talks and questions:
Seems like some people will learn more on how cars work so as to disable the features…
“Many car manufacturers are selling car owners’ data to advertisers as a revenue boosting tactic, according to earlier reporting by Recorded Future News. Automakers are exponentially increasing the number of sensors they place in their cars every year with little regulation of the practice.”
Random video that goes with above: Tesla faces possible lawsuit after allegations workers secretly shared images from car cameras https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTtRgq0WdLg [1:00]
Everything spys on us, not just tiktok. Yes, steps can be taken to lessen the spying, but in the end of the day we are just self censoring ourselves from other platforms.
Social media is here to stay and the masses use it as a way to get information/entertainment.
Making burner accounts are a thing, share information that goes against the status quo, I think that is admirable.
Only way people are exposed to certain viewpoints is by joining that bubble and going against the narrative.
In the end this gets complicated for various reasons, what do y’all suppose is the best course of action to go against the status quo?
Seems like it for now
Until next time, we shall keep looking for ways to get around it!
What is your setup?
What have you tried?
Haven’t thought of small phones in a while, unless you look into dumb phones, like Nokia 3310 reboot.
Great little phone, but does not have smart features that smart phones have.
Nice to see the sizes being compared, I was not expecting it, but wow have phone become huge.
I wonder if Pine64 or similar would create a small phone, they have launched phones before…
The picture was shared on other social media sites, I did not see it mentioned in Lemmy or similar.
Saw this pic floating around.
Thanks fpr explaining how it works!
I did not know that much about it.
Word of mouth, when possible.
It depends on the goal of the people, I follow some that mention what helps them.
You are right, most could not.
I wuld say that any way to support them works, not just with money…
I think the best way to support them is through donations.
Most have links to them.
Ads are out of hand, that is why many left cable and subscription based platforms are the next thing.
Piracy is growing and that is good, it forces these greedy companies to inovate or to do better.
I’ve been lucky or my extensions/network have kept me from seeing any notices.
Alphabet (Google) through yt does block IP, refresh or change fixes it.
Many will help the people they like with donations and other ways instead of helping Alphabet (google) and the like.
You are welcome!
Co-op delivery company in the works?!
Great on Tony, doing the damn thing!