Just like Android loses features on every major version, and Maps is a skeleton of its former self.
In a company where nobody is incentivised to maintain anything, cutting features is the easier option.
Just like Android loses features on every major version, and Maps is a skeleton of its former self.
In a company where nobody is incentivised to maintain anything, cutting features is the easier option.
See “space invasion” on the roadmap
Purescript targeting the Erlang VM
Have you tried Gleam?
Or Bluefin, depending on desktop preference. I’ve been using both and can recommend either.
I have some Japanese metal bands in the rotation for just this reason. Metal works in a lot of languages, actually.
Same. I can’t even have understandable lyrics if I’m going to concentrate.
My work playlists are completely different. More cinematic scores, world music, ambient whatever. There is some metal that bridges the gap, but it has to be very death.
As an industry, we like to think of ourselves as supremely rational, but we can’t apply even the most basic scientific principles. So much conventional wisdom has never actually been tested or proven, so we keep reinventing and flip flopping on best practices.
So much. When I’m trusted to find the right balance of productivity and quality, I enjoy the work more. When I enjoy the work, I’m more productive and write better code. It’s a positive feedback loop.
They will be generating it themselves soon enough. I contributed some stock photos in the past. They recently sent me info about their new contribution pipeline, for content that may not pass the usual quality threshold, but will help train the models. If they do it right, who knows, maybe they can get better results worth paying for.
While still expecting to get paid.
It’s like how when you were a kid, you thought quicksand was something you would need to be aware of as an adult in the big wide world. In my undergrad, mod everywhere. Very important knowledge. Now not so much.
What is the benefit of having a binary spectrum? Is it really so precious that we can’t accommodate any differences? And do we apply the same standard to other medical needs?
Stopping timers has always been like that for me.
Through trial and error I found the most successful command is “ok google shut the fuck up”.