It’s getting harder to believe that climate change is threat and not a grift when climate activist act this way.
It’s getting harder to believe that climate change is threat and not a grift when climate activist act this way.
If his claim is true he probably had an ankle or boot holster. Taking off his boot dislodged his gun and it fell to the ground discharging. I could not imagine the blisters from trying to walk around with a loose gun in my boot, a crease in my sock is above my threshold.
Agree 100%. My guess is that removing software from a device you don’t own without the owner’s permission is illegal in Europe. I believe Microsoft got in trouble for removing 3rd party antivirus.
All about the Donnies is not bad.
It’s not Google’s search buisness that LaLiga is going after it’s the cell phone side. LaLiga claims Google and Huawei benefited by refusing to disable the newplay app on their phones.
The majority doesn’t approve of more LGBT characters either, it’s just Newsweek being intentionally misleading.
In summary, 36 percent disapproved in some form, 34 percent approved, while 31 percent neither approved nor disapproved, or didn’t know how they felt.
I’d venture the majority of people prefer a good story. When you shoehorn any elements into a story it distracts the audience. The Star Trek Beyond Lt Sulu scene is a good example it did not provide any character or story development. Many of the star wars shows have similar elements which hurt an all ready damaged story.
The whole reason I’m conservative is because of my distrust of government. I can’t understand why an Orwellian position of tracking pregnant women would be popular to anyone with conservative values. Even under the guise of protecting babies this is disgusting.
Her exact words were
such a consequential President of the United States, a Mount Rushmore kind of President
You have Teddy Roosevelt up there and he’s wonderful. I don’t say take him down. But you can add Biden
It’s just Republicans trolling after Nancy pants said Joe should be on Mount Rushmore.
Everybody is blaming the crack rats but no one wants to blame the meth mics.
Containers become problematic, some don’t have man pages or other common commands installed. Debugging applications on them requires a wide knowledge of all sorts of primitive commands and workarounds to achieve common tasks. My biggest fear is a container without grep.
LibreELEC made it simple.
Why you angry bro? Now you know that there is a cheap and easy way for you to watch sponge bob with out your tv knowing that you have a thing for the girl squirrel.
A rasburry pi 4.
Did you know you can connect an external device to your television and get Netflix, Disney+, Hulu, paramount, NFL, plex, youtube etc.
Everything gets cheaper when you buy in bulk.
You might consider contacting your local news, the mix ups are cleared up real quick once public shaming is involved.
$500 for good press or $0 for bad. Looks like Charlotte is as bad at math as they are at basketball.
Have you ever walked around with a wadded up sock?