Maybe they became self aware and could no longer live with themselves knowing their family history.
Born a sconie right on Lake Michigan, lived in Iowa for a handleful of years for college, then moved to Sota where I live currently. Software Engineer for 20+ years, Ham Radio Operator, lover of retro graming, old time radio and the outdoors.
Mastodon: [email protected]
Maybe they became self aware and could no longer live with themselves knowing their family history.
My biggest issue with capital gains is that they’re usually taxed lower than labour gains. I think that should be reversed. If capital gains were heavily taxed and that tax was used to better the community then I think it would have more justification.
This is exactly the issue. It is what divides the upper from the lower classes. When you are the asset any issues in your life are compounded and there is no liquidation option like you have when its all assets. The safety nets are so drastically different between with what level of “becoming whole again” that its ridiculous we have gotten this far with capital gains not being seen as a real privilege. But that is why we are seeing a major generational gap between the realization of how bad things have gotten.
I think the guy you’re thinking of Fox Mulder
You’re talking about economic systems, that isn’t what i was talking about. I was talking about how pricing works. So before you get all hot about it maybe learn the difference
I wasn’t making an assumption on the actual cost and who gets the money. I’m just saying people seem dumbfounded when they hear the price of a pizza at $15 and then see a $6 delivery fee from a 3rd party and think OMG thats expensive. You were paying the pizza place half that on ever pizza even when you eat there, and then you have a business who gets no pay for the pizza unless you get it delivered so if course they are going to charge even more for delivery.
Because people are dumb to pay the price for delivery from a private service? Or because they understand how a business is run?
I never use the service because I’m not going to waste money when I can just got get it myself.
When you do the math it makes sense that is the cost. None of the pizza places dropped their price when they stopped doing delivery, and the price the private delivery services are doing at least double the pizza place’s delivery price.
Most places like a pizza shop are going to split 3 ways between food, staff and other overhead. On a $15 pizza we are talking about $5 split between the cook and the delivery person so lets say $3 is adding into every pizza for delivery costs.
On a $50 purchase you’re seeing $10 for delivery from the pizza place and then an additional $20 for the private.
Oddly I think the only cases I ever used it where I was connecting to my home computer from outside my house was when I needed to connect to my router’s webpage. SSH to my home computer and then pull up the browser to open a port on my DMZ or other such nonsense.
When at home and just using LAN bandwidth it was to run lesser programs.
That looks like a great solution, will have to try it out.
I finally got an “upgrade” going from a super slow 25 year old system to a kinda slow 10 year old system. Went with wayland to try it out and it works well enough so far.
The only thing I’m missing, and I haven’t had a need since the upgrade is to be able to run remote X applications locally. Relied on a netbook with X client and had my desktop downstairs. Now my new laptop can run all I meed so no remote X tunnels over SSH.
One thing to note with X11’s design, having a server and client, there was nothing requiring both to be on the same machine. You could run an X11 client on your local machine, ssh into a remote machine and use its X11 server.
Lets say you are home and can ssh into a work server. You could run Firefox on the work machine, using it’s network and have the visual parts show up on your home computer.
This was very much a Unix, shared resource style design. Servers and thin clients. Put all your horse power in the big machine and connect using your crappy low power system to it.
This looks like the text they show in the true murder shows to demonstrate why the child killed their parent.
I just self host gitolite. I wrote a script for archiving tagged versions to zip files as well as an optional parameter to pipe code into a markdown file and convert that to HTML for code i wish to show people. Everything else I do through the cli and have no use for a fancy UI.
The idea is that if you wanted to fight a big company with lawyers you’ll either lose because they will delay till you’re broke, or you’ll win but the lawyers will get most of the money. If you have a legit issue they would honor resolving the issue without anyone having to spend time, money, and publicity in court. It means you might actually win one of these times. The joke part is we already have an unbiased arbitration system…our courts.
This is legal, currently, because this is basically a non-disclosure. We will deal with our problems outside the legal system and no one will talk about it. We do this in other cases but its usually human to human, not human to massive corporate entity.
Oh of course. Half of the staff at any of these types of apps are looking for a huge sell out which requires bastardizing the concept. I just wish for once one of these apps would stay true to their original stated purpose. Ride Share means you’re going this way for a reason too, not just to be a taxi.
Still remember mine, 7 digits long. Now i gotta go install the app and see if i remember my password.
Yeah yeah the standard pedantic response to web services who use ads.
But how about a real response? People want to block ads and still consume content. If you feel the cost is too high then shouldn’t people watch some ads and block others to only “pay what you want.” Everyone seems to want the service for free and then cry that when you don’t pay your get your videos.
Explain how this is different than going to a grocery store and then being pissed they wont let you just walk away with food without paying?
Not sure how an IPFS option would work. I get the bandwidth issue slightly goes away as we’d all kinda share that cost but not really. IPFS isn’t really free storage. Of all media shitty compression video is big and anyone who forgot to tune their torrent upload and accidently seeded something for too long knows you’ll run out of monthly bandwidth allotments very fast.
I’m all for personal freedoms but you’re getting a service you pay no money for and then get pissed that they are getting the money out of you another way. Sound like people being petty.
Warsow / warfork
Far more likely that they set on fire because they are poorly designed an Musky boy is dismantling any and all safety regulations for his death traps.