I don’t think it’s tiny enough that you could multiply it by 20 and still call it tiny.
I don’t think it’s tiny enough that you could multiply it by 20 and still call it tiny.
Conservatives love this idea, to the point that they don’t even bother thinking about who is going to pay for it. If you did mandatory service for people 18-20 the armed forces would be roughly 20 times larger than it is now in terms of personnel, 10 times larger if it were mandatory for men only. Military spending is nearly 1/4 of the total budget as-is, where is the funding going to come from if you have 10 or 20 times as many people to arm and train?
And what the fuck are you going to have them all do? They’re just gonna bum around and fuck for two years and then go get free degrees on the GI bill, driving up the cost even further.
Truly, the party of fiscal responsibility.
Look at the bright side, once intel gets this new plant up and running cranking out next-gen chips, Google will be able to fail you even faster!
Cab over engine freight trucks with excellent visibility, not jacked up chevys where your view of the ground starts 20 feet in front of you
As long as you don’t overload the turntable motor. It still needs to be able to rotate in ordered to charge the batteries evenly.
Tomato, tomato. The free market is a myth, there is no part of the economy that goes without manipulation. Anytime business owners can’t directly manipulate the market themselves they bribe governments to do it on their behalf.
What’s the old saying, Ben Franklin said it if I remember right?
Those who would give up freedom in exchange for security deserve neither and will lose both.
It wouldn’t be such a concern if they didn’t make up like 40% of the population.
Spacex owes its success to Gwynne Shotwell if anyone, that woman is a powerhouse.
Perfect, that keeps you off signal and lowers their operating costs.
Because if you actually needed signal, you’d still be using it. Security and privacy is not about convenience or a “smooth all-in-one experience”. It’s about actual security and privacy. And that is what signal provides.
I mean when 70% of the public doesn’t use a computer for anything more demanding than streaming Netflix, office work, and paying bills 8gb is plenty. Sure the base model MacBook Air is still $1000 but for that you get a better screen, an exponentially better operating system than windows, an all aluminum case, and a machine that will still be in good shape 10 years from now. Hell my home computer is a 2014 MacBook Pro and performance wise that thing will still go toe to toe with windows machines built much more recently lol.
Can you get a similarly performing windows machine for less? Sure, if and only if by similar performance you mean you are only looking at processing power. Cuz it’ll be a cheap plastic piece of shit with a clunky os full of bloatware that you have to fiddlefuck around with to get it back to how you want it every time they push out a software update. And you’ll be lucky if it’s still running 5 years from now. Buy a MacBook, take it out of the box, and you’re done. That’s worth a lot to a lot of people.
Somebody has never been to a top fuel drag race. Impressive does not even begin to describe what those “fast cars that can only go straight” are capable of.
No point in doing warranty work when you don’t have a fix for the problem, this is what happens when you buy hard goods from a manufacturer that runs itself like a software company.
I used to be gay too, but I still am.
Companies are stealing from you every single day of your life from the second you’re born to the moment you die.
No harm in returning the favor.
“We’re not selling an evil product, we’re just running a multibillion dollar cartel in an evil way. That’s totally different.”
My brother in arms! lol
Was just having a conversation last week when the subject of roadside billboards came up, the other guy says to me that he reads every single one of them when he’s driving. I tell him when I look at billboards the only think I think about is how much fun it would be to cut them down and set them on fire. Dude looked at me like I had a dick growing out of my forehead.