Some people like to use words to make a point. Others prefer to use them not to.
Mind the shavings
Some people like to use words to make a point. Others prefer to use them not to.
Stupid reality keeps telling me I’m wrong no matter how much I whinge!
Musk is going to make it illegal, as president of the united states, not to hang out with him and tell him his jokes are funny, and then will cry when still nobody does.
You really don’t, though.
You mean you want technology that serves the public good.
Propeller Cap over here is just pissy he hasn’t hijacked it like a government.
So this isn’t even a story then. Got it.
Thank you for your actual reporting in the comment section below this bullshit that’s getting called reporting.
It isn’t deadnaming.
I assume you’re joking, which is cool, but just to have the truth visible next to it 👍
Do you like the taste of boots better on a rainy day or on a dry, sunny day?
There’s nothing to discuss. It’s the Gulf of Mexico, and suggestions to the contrary are to be appropriately dismissed as childish.
Aa a side note, make sure that, no matter what, you find a way to follow “Gulf of” with “Mexico”. It should flow by rote in the hearer’s mind, simply by virtue of the fact that they hear it the correct way when you talk about it.
This is a trivially easy battle to fight. Only use the correct name, and it will be the one that sticks. Using the incorrect name, even to make correct statements about how it’s dumb and childish and not going to be its name going forward, reinforces the lie.
Mexico is the Gulf-of-havin’est thing you ever did see.
She went out of her way to be an extremely shitty person.
She got off easy.
With a single picture of the earth taken from space?
Generally not a good move to announce that you’re the enemy of all humankind. The one thing everybody agrees on is nazis are the bad guys. Regardless of what else changes, that’s always a reliable guide.
Guy’s a dumbass because he’s taking it on the chin from his boss, acting like it’s fine, and then attacking everybody except the assholes. What a little bitch.
Most valuable…scam?
I mean, ok.
Full refund.
The sign of the good guys: being against joy.
That’s how you know you’re living your life right.
When you hate joy.
He’s kind of right on the money and kind of being completely dumb.
The fact of it is that Republicans don’t want to help privacy or take down big tech’s abuses, they want to make it worse. All of the reasonable things Andy has said have taken place past that, so in a way the entire conversation is talking past the point.
The question is, how can somebody so influential at a major privacy company not have such a pre-school understanding of major world figures’ relationships to his core business?
I’m still confused how he could have been dumb enough to think, let alone imply, let alone say out loud, that Republicans want to reign in big tech, when they so transparently want to capture it and make it an even worse version of itself. It’s not that everything they do is a cynical power grab, it’s that everything they do is a blatant cynical power grab, and being in the privacy business without having a perfectly clear understanding of that feels equivalent to not knowing what a VPN is.
His statement here is great, and I support it whole-heartedly and unabashedly. It just feels almost…I don’t know, unrelated somehow? Even though ostensibly it isn’t.
Privacy is refreshing. Get the assholes’ bullshit out of your business.
Seems like a lack of loyalty. Needs to support him even harder, and offer up his children to be taken away, too. And then brag about it. Why change course now?