Are my current guys.
Are my current guys.
Have you considered what drinking from that well is doing to your mental gut flora?
Wait, google does searches now too? Wow they have a service for everything.
Uh…the “badge of honor” would have been quitting back during api-gate and not looking back. Getting banned now just means one participated after that time, providing spez with traffic and value, and helped normalize the behaviour that is only just now a bridge too far.
Today, a ban is the “conciliatory prize of not thinking ahead”.
Canadian. I’ve divested 100% of my meagre savings out of us stocks. USA is not a reliable trading partner, or a leader in anything anymore except deceit.
Either way, if it’s an opportunity to even slightly impoverish shitty Americans I’m rock hard on board with it.
The real win IMO would be for a collective Canadian identity to emerge from this so we can stop aping shitty, fake, trite, tasteless American bullshit.
Hey ICE: fuck each and every one of you wish-tier-gestapo cosplayers. I think new negative thoughts about you every motherfucking Planck second, and wish I could slice time finer still so that I could cram more defiling thoughts about you, your mission, your mandate, your “leadership”, the miserable excuse for a country you want to create and the pitiable fools who enabled this to happen into the thoughtstrean.
Relax tho, Vanilla, I don’t want in. Actually you’d need a dump truck of gold bricks before I’d even consider setting foot in your currently-shit-hole country anyway. I’ve simply bag after bag of dick for you to dine heartily upon.
You’re dumpster-fire bouncers. That’s what we think of you.
Yeah I was gonna say like why are we even workshopping the name with a winner like that. Get this employee a bonus check!
Interesting, my phone just disabled Google calendar due to my pressing and holding on the icons. Can’t help but wonder if these events are related.
They might be since I refuse to get up with fleas after lying down with nazi hounds…
In not at all related news disabling Google maps on your Android device can often be a source of delight! I never knew how capable organic maps was and it has a very nice auto integration.
Just in time for the hero to save the day with the ol’ UV lung-bleach-brush combo move and horse dewormer aperitif.
Apologists who sit down at the same table as the Nazis are equivocal to the pre-seated Nazis. Zero sympathy.
Purge and lance the boil.
Thus week on: The A-hole in the K-hole…
Why isn’t the puny, petulant man-thing that runs the Nazicar Factory not suing us all for not buying them? That’s how you deal with advertisers who don’t wanna advertise with him so why not consumers who don’t want to consume?
It’s the next stupid, asinine step.
I hope anyone who ever admired this fuck face is deeply embarrassed. Or losing money.
These guys are making it so easy to outcompete with America in the world market.
To be able extra clear, fuck twitter, fuck nestle and fuuuuuuuck Musk.
A form of art they have main-ered.
Trump’s basically a fractal hypocrisy, which is, as I understand it, why and how the grift keeps grifting.
Talk about incentivizing us to make even more impactful kill switches!