Yeah, deal with it, Copilot/LLM plugin!
Moderates @[email protected]
Yeah, deal with it, Copilot/LLM plugin!
“Victory for free speech (as long as it means only we get to talk”)! /s
Actually, it was invented by Douglas Engelbart in Stanford in the 60s
Xerox (re)made it for the PC in the 80s.
I agree to a certain extent; at least elementary school should and remain device free.
Matrix being federated and interoperable from day 1 was pushing for this and there was a blog post on this:
Agree! It can only act as a reference. I like the approach taken by distributions like Yunohost where all the details are abstracted away.
I think it can be configured and it depends on the client to allow it or not.
So…like Lemmy?
Dear Pikachu, of course you are surprised. Learn how to expect and evade Team Rocket first.
Also punched cards had around 80 columns, which put a hard limit on the number of characters per line.
We are free to learn, but learning is not free.
Freedom vs cost. One cannot pickup a skill without time, effort and more importantly access to guidance and a vast library of content. Same applies to man or machine. The difference is how corporations have essentially reinvented piracy to facilitate their selfish ends after decades of dictating what’s right with DMCA, DRM and what not.
This will be the headline a month later:
Cara’s monthly active users down to a few thousands. Here’s why.
It is all AI hype isn’t it?
What is dead may never die.
Strange argument… how does that prevent checks versus Windows 7, 8 and 1* all of which would be less than 9.
It exists, kind of. Python has this construct
for item in iterable:
which always puzzles me, since it depends on a break statement execution. I always have to look it up when the else block is executed.
Lemmyverse? How will that exist in the Fediverse?
Fediverse > Lemmy Galaxy / Cluster?
Wallabag is like Pocket but self hosted and better.
Great if it is done right. This will put a stop all those screenshoted memes from Fediverse.